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I have seen it, i like the detailed installation instructions. Looked like scanned drawings to me.


Since our cars have tuned intakes and such it won't benifit our cars that much at all.



Typical range of improvement over baseline is:

0 to 35 increase in horsepower,

0 to 31.85% increase in fuel economy.

I like how they start the horsepower gains at 0.


go to that site and check out the spirals


messed with my eyes


but they are a little red right now anyways..




hell....I think Im going to buy it. They say "30 day no questions asked money back guarentee" and if It doesn't do what they say, thats exactly what Im going to get. It's worth a shot. If I can get a 35hp increase for 70 bucks Im sure as hell going to try, matched up with my future "RAM-air" setup......that should bring me up to 250hp (Im figuring), so an added 40hp for just over $100. Thats damn good


sorry bro but that shit is bullshit plain and simple. How does a 25% restocking fee sound? :-D


It CAN NOT work wit our DOHC intake cuz the air WILL NOT continue swirling past the plenum...think about it, the air goes thru that, swirls but wat about when it hits the plenum area then down the length of the runners...is the air still spinning?







Besides, i remember reading about the TORNADO intake device, *which this swirl bullshit got the idea from* on the old GMFORUMS.com and GPXSS dyno'ed it and LOST 1 hp....NOT GOOD AT ALL!!


Might as well shove a brink in the intake


Yeah....that makes perfect sense, and I've read that somewhere else before too. Except I dont understand why the air spinning would have anything to do with it after the point of it being spun through with the so-called "turbine"(or whatever they refer to it as) I thought that was just a way of getting the air in and after that the spinning would have nothing to do with it? It would still be forced through with the constant supply of air being pulled in by the "turbine"?


i tried posting this about 2 hours ago but it didn't work. I"M A SMART ASS


garbage, Lets see a GM ENGINEER gets paid $125,000 a year, JOE SCHMOE $12,000 at McDonalds says i bet i can fix all cars gas milage problem, then u get products like this, there is one guy on the board SONYMAN that has the electronic supercharger thing and says it works, so to each thier own i guess. Hell if it's got a money back guarentee order it and if it doens't work send it back. Later Jay




the swirling effect is supposed to be what creates the added power. By making the air and fuel mix better together creating more power. With no spinning you not doing anything but blocking your air intake.


Um, i'm pretty sure that has been posted before.....cause I remember all the hand drawings and horrible artwork.


hey Brian, cannot possibly be lower than the last time C-REX posted his race and SUPERCHARGER TURBOCHARGER NOS mods.... :lol: :lol: :D

and this forum has reached yet, another low


wanna start our own? itll be w-robbrian.com






Did you see that that's their exhaust package! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH :lol: :lol: :lol:


Better watch out man.......that's copyright infringement. The 6 year-old who drew those instructions is going to sue you. lol


That aint copyright he is reproducing it for his own use to the public. He is just plagarising.




it might work if they made tiny little ones that go in right before the air enters the head


about the electric supercharger, there IS documented proof it works...


sonyman has one


went from a 15.9 to a 15.4....if you dont believe me check his sig and check his mods....not alot of mods to bring him down .3 in the 1/4


that's IS my next mod soon as i get the car back :-(

hell....I think Im going to buy it. They say "30 day no questions asked money back guarentee" and if It doesn't do what they say, thats exactly what Im going to get. It's worth a shot. If I can get a 35hp increase for 70 bucks Im sure as hell going to try, matched up with my future "RAM-air" setup......that should bring me up to 250hp (Im figuring), so an added 40hp for just over $100. Thats damn good


restock fee. + it gareneets that it does NOTHING or improvement.. unless you can prove that it hurt performance you will be screwed

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