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Who Loves snow, I do I do.


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Well we know most of us got a good amount of snow this weekend, I got a foot here in Conneticut. And the night of the blizzard my friend and I decided not to drink, and instead we waited till 1 in the moring when the blizzard was at its worst, and took out cars out. My 1993 Cutty and his 1993 Saab 900 worked too good in the snow, we tried to get stuck up hills and stuff but it wasnt happenin, our cars were too good. We did e-break spins and stuff in empty snow covered parking lots, soo much fun. How about the rest of you.

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I hate it.


In Nebraska, they like to turn paved roads into gravel roads.....


I swear there is more gravel on the paved roads than there is gravel on gravel roads.....freakin stupid if you ask me....


and the amount of salt.....well, i won't even go there....auugghh

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Do you go to University of Hartford Art School ??? I got a friend is go to see prolly like once week....Which building do you live in ? Maybe ill see ya around ... - Mark

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I hate it.


In Nebraska, they like to turn paved roads into gravel roads.....


I've never swear there is more gravel on the paved roads than there is gravel on gravel roads.....freakin stupid if you ask me....


and the amount of salt.....well, i won't even go there....auugghh


At least they put something on the roads! I haven't lived in this town too long, but I can already see they do not maintain the roads. Salt is put down at the most major intersections, if even that.

I hate salt.. until it's not there and I'm sliding on glare ice into oncoming traffic.. its at that point that I love salt and gravel.

I'd rather have some rust years down the road than an insurance claim. Hell.. my car has been in the salt and slush since it was new in '94 and there isn't one spot of rust to be found.. so I'm not too concerned.

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Yeah, I've done a few e-brake spins myself. A few reverse 360's. Thats about it really. I try to be nice to my car, but sometimes I can't help it!



hehe. last night after work, i decided to stick around and practiced some drifting. it was fun, but a big pain in the ass because of where the ebrake is. Another bad thing is, the store was still open, so i had to watch out for cars coming in :)


I wish i could stay up that late, maybe during break.




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Ah I hated the snow until i decided to make some fun outta it. At school I found an empty spot in the lot that they didnt plow very well and just drifted around the light poles n did donuts n every1 was lookin at me like I was nuts. Then I smoked the tires the whole way down the roads inside of the campus and took off down one of the side blocks with the tires spinning. I love the snowww. I wish my ebrake worked, then it would be even more fun :twisted:

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I like snow. But there isn't any hear yet. :(


Just recieved 5 (+ / -) inches across the front range...

All the out-of-towners are getting in accidents.



- Erik

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snow is fun but id rather have a truck with 4 wheel drive, id feel more safe i guess.. but yah i wish my ebrake worked as well, then i could have a little more fun!! but im gettin better at havin the back end drift out when i want it took, i practice in the parking lot after school, i can get it to be turning pretty sharp then then i can let off the gas and tap my brakes and then push the gas down a little bit and the back end with come out and then from there you spin the wheels to wherever you want your tires to spin, im workin on it.... :twisted: its easier to do it while im turning right, because only my left brake works on the back of my car so i locks that up for a sp[ilt second and lets 'er go... ive notied my gas milage has gone down considerable now that the snow and slippery roads are here.... hmmmm i wonder why.. ? :D

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The funniest thing about snow is when the people who live in the warm climates get a dusting! They freakin close everything and definately can't drive in it. Its like come on people its only an inch or two.

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I agree with Shawn. Salt sucks. My car hasn't seen it yet in it's life and hopefully never will. Hell, I won't even drive it when it rains (it's a friggin garage queen) so I guess you can see how I feel about snow.


Living in VT.. snow has lost it's novelty. We get about 5 feet of it every winter and it takes forever for it to melt.


Man.. I need to move out West or something. :?

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I hate road salt! Bleeyuck. :puke:

I'm glad it hasn't snowed here yet.

The only vehicle that's going to see snow this winter is the truck.


I with you there, salt sucks ass. I cant stand seeing my car covered with it. I also cant stand the sub zero blizzards up in western ny, since I'm laid off for the winter I think I'm taking a trip to Flordia.

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Winter driving is driving at its best if you ask me, except for all the retard drivers. I cant drive in the snow without drifting around almost every corner. I ve started driving a little more sane since i hit the curb however. It would be a lot better if my e brake worked, but with good snow tires in front and street radials in the back its pretty easy. Can even do donuts if the snow is deep enough. I think i need an Impreza STI. I drove my friends legacy wagon in the snow a while back, wow was that fun.

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The other night I drove from from watertown, its usually about an hour and a half drive, it took me almost three hours. but slow and steady wins the race. I saw three accidents. a compact ranger flipped a couple times. I saw that accident happen. :shock:


However, I must admit, since they pretty much pave the parking lots on campus with a zamboni, I get nuts on occasion.

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