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94 Cutlass vert

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Hello friends! So I have a 94 Cutlass vert 3.1. I have owned a 92 and a 95. I really dislike the 94's headlight control setup. It seems to me like they want to change it a little but didn't know what to do so they changed that. My question is, can I convert my 94 headlight switch setup to the earlier style? Plus my switch is broken from the bezel and it's annoying!


  • 2 weeks later...

I had a '91 CS coupe and my nephew had a '94 vert, so I know what you're talking about. I think you could swap the older style switches--and switch locations--pretty easily. Re-routing the wires shouldn't be that big of an issue but I have no idea if the two styles of headlight switches use the same plugs. Ditto for the fog light switches. If not, you'll need to splice in the necessary connectors. A minor technical challenge but certainly not insurmountable.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you! I am on the hunt for older switch work 

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