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Buffed and Polished the Regal

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Last weekend, I spent the day cutting and polishing the Regal's paint.  Most of it was in okay condition minus the clear on the roof, but there was absolutely no wax or anything on it and the paint was pretty faded.  I wish I had taken better pictures of before, but I'll post some that I took where you can see the difference if you're looking for it.  I used a FLEX XC 3401 VRG DA polisher (limited edition pink, don't know why I got that, lol).  I still need to do the wheels really well.   Sorry, but the pictures didn't load in the order I wanted them, too, so they're a mixture of before, after and in progress.  And, yes, it has hail damage and I am crazy for polishing a car with hail damage, but a new hood and trunk lid would fix most of it.

1) wash with Chemical Guys citrus wash red (I got some when Obsessed Garage had some in earlier this year)

2) Jescar Correcting Compound with Meguiar's microfibre cutting pad

3) Jescar Micro Finishing Polish with foam polishing pad...this stuff did wonders for the roof as the compound would not brighten up the color, but the polish did (first time using this stuff)

4) 2 coats of Jescar Power Lock polymer paint sealant

5) 2 coats of Colinite 845 insulator wax














Edited by pwmin

That turned out really nice!  Ever try claybarring it beforehand?

And who cares about polishing a car w/ hail dents.  I polish my 95 Bonneville even though most of the clear is gone on the hood, roof and spoiler.  Still makes it look tons better.

I really want to get a DA buffer so I can really get a good shine on my cars and save my arms/hands the torture.


Thanks.  It came out better than I was expecting.  The hail dents are small, but there are so many of them that I don't feel like taking the time to pull them all.  Thinking about making a claim after we get some hail, but I might not have it anymore before that happens.  I usually clay first, but didn't take the time to do so with this one.  There didn't seem to be much paint contamination for some reason anyhow.  Just the cutting seemed to make it smooth enough.


If I were you, I would have left that roof alone since the clear coat is thinning/failed on it and polishing it will only accelerate failure. Have you ever used anything other than the Jescar to compare it to? I haven't really kept up with any detailing sites lately, but don't remember hearing all that much about those when I did. I just searched and found a review of the Jescar that I recall reading before. It looks like they have some pretty solid products in their lineup. I currently have a lot of 3D HD stuff which I absolutely love. HD Polish is probably my favorite polish I've ever used. It finishes really well, wipes off super easy, and never seems to dry up so you can work it forever.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I probably should have just used the polish where the paint was still good.  Thinking about sanding and clearing it, but it's probably not worth it.  I've used a good bit of different stuff on the Mustang, but still can't get the swirls out, but I haven't tried this stuff on it yet.  It's not the heaviest cutting stuff, but it worked well on the Regal and a truck I did for work.  The paint was a little cold in some spots, so the compound was drying before I wanted it to, but it ended up okay.

  I pretty much just use whatever Matt (OG) likes and it usually works out.  He uses Sonax Perfect Finish instead of the Jescar polish, though.  Sonax recommends the Jescar compound, too.

Edited by pwmin

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