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How much noise does your car make?


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As in squeeks, groans, and/or thuds. Mine makes a ton. My *new* struts in the back groan when i stop and the car settles and then when i go again and the weight shifts. Both of my doors squeek when the car settles, i believe the door pins or the hinges are shot. There is a plastic vs plastic noise in the piller near the windshield on the driver's side which rattles when i have the defogger on. Recently the plastic round my Kenwood radio has been rubbing. My brake and gas pedals squeek when pressed. Also i believe the tranny mount is going so i sometimes hear a soft thud when i accelerate.

All this stuff is the reason why i have to have my radio set to loud when i drive or else i get a headach from all the other noise... :( ...i envy you people whose cars are still taught and solid.

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I get alot of road noise, due to the fact that my key-lock is, well, not sitting in the hole, its just hanging there. Also from this hole comes a huge draft of cold air. Damn this New England weather!!!




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the 91 makes PLENTY of noise.....i just worry that thing will fall apart with my mom in it... :? ...it DEFINATELY woke up the neighbors in the morn on my way to school and then woke them up again at night on my way home from work.... The 97 however just has the purr of its smooth 3100 accompanied by the annoying sound of my right rear bearing assy, which is shot and needs to be replaced, and the 'new' brakes which squeal from time to time (even though the guy said they were new all around... :roll: ) but otherwise...smooth as a babys ass...lol

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Mine is now quiet again. I jacked up the leaf spring on the right side and slipped a thick chunk of rubber in where the original rubber had rotted away. Got the rear brake rattles solved. And lubricated the aging rubber grommets on the stablizer bars etc back there. Now I just have the sweet sound of my exhaust again. I was previously at a point where I was saying...time to let her go to pot and get a new one. Now I'm thinking another set of nice tires and a wing. Keep in mind I've had this car almost seven years.


I sit in that damn Intrepid and my back aches. Seat is too low. Can't see the dash readouts when I get the steering wheel where I like it. It's got tons of road noise. And it's all plastic everywhere. One more thing. It has no lights in the floor shift. That is hard to get used too. The PRND31 is in the dash only.


Hey, Why does ford and dodge say PRND31? Trust me...when in the 3 position it runs so many rpm's that it has to be second.


Here's another Dodge wierdness. While on cruise control...it downshifts if the speed goes over the setting. You're driving along at 2100 rpm and suddenly it revs up to 3300 rpm. It is "most disconcerting."


I know this has been off track but the wife keeps on me about selling the Regal and taking the Intrepid for my car. "Not gone' do'it!

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I'm almost certain my car could wake the dead when it's first started. The lifters clatter so loudly it's embarrassing. Also, the engine makes quite a bit of noise on acceleration from stop. It's a quiet cruiser though. 159,xxx miles, stock exhaust.

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NOW my car makes almost no noise... with the exception of my 231K mile catalytic Converter that rattle like its goin out of style - that will all be taken care of shortly. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


- Justin

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aside from the growl from the motor and rumble from the exaust.


There shifter in the center consil plastic covor slides sometimes make a plastic against plastic tick noise when at low rpms:) but that is easily fixed by pushing the slides back.


used to have a squeak sound from the back struts befor i got them replaced.


everything else is just from cargo in the car bouncing or sliding

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I get a "shhhhhhhk" noise from my braking system when my ABS fuse is in...


some kind of weird groaning/moaning from the front left...



and the rear leafspring groaning noise...

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You people are scaring me. I fear for things to come...


My car is very quiet. The only sounds are tires squeeling, my engine, and my radio.



I give ya 3 years tops :P




on a side note: wtf can I do to get rid of the damn groaning leafspring noise? I know I can buy new bushings and stuff.... but from where? and how TF do they go in? o.o

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:cheers: mine makes the sounds of a dying pig when i stop the front springs make loud squeal and the rear make a screeching sound oya the dash rubs the windshield lucky i got 4 10's in the trunk hehe
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Look on each end of the monoleaf to see what condition the rubber pads are in. The leaf ends just sit on these rubber pieces. One of mine was worn through and twisted.

I jacked up the car at that wheel. (with the stock car jack).

Then I used a hydrolic jack on the leaf spring (about a foot from the end).

I got the monoleaf up enough to slip in a 1/4 inch thick piece of hard rubber gasket. It made a huge difference. I had just cut the flat piece of rubber to fit into the opening where the end sits.


I used another piece of rubber on the top of the jack shaft to protect the monoleaf while raising. I had to experiment with the position of the hydrolic jack because it didn't lift the end very well unless it was closer to the end.

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You can actualy buy teflon "pucks" that fit in there. They are cut to the right shape and size already, and they only sell for about 5 bucks each. They have a tendency to fall out though for some reason, although mine still haven't yet since I put them in 4 months ago. Even with the "pucks" my car still has the annoying groan/squeak from the rear.

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I've only had the rubber piece in for 3 weeks but it is quiet. The rubber indents and locks itself in place. The teflon is harder and slipperyer right? That could be why noise is coming through. I was just hoping when I did this at work, and so far so good.

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I got yelling and screaming coming from my trunk, well I used to, now its stoped. And just kinda smells funny.....


who's calling your name? :lol: :lol:


My Cutlass is loud when I hit bad pavement, potholes, speed bumps, and shit like that. Otherwise its my engine and tires doing the talking :wink:


PS-I forgot to mention the plastic piece on the dash has an attitude sometimes.

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when it gets cold out the car makes noises, the suspension make noise cause its worn out, and the consol makes noises cheap plastic. the engine used to be loud when the crossover pipe was crack but now its all quite.

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Aside from the roar of my exhuast, the only annoying sound is from my glove box area. Seems to be coming from around the lock/latch of the glove box. It didn't use to do it, but it sure is annoying now.


EDIT: Also my right rear suspension makes a clunking noise when I go over a significant bump. That is the most annoying of all.

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