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Cup holder interchange

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Hey guys,


It would seem that I have broke my cup holder in my 1995 cutlass supreme 4 door for the second freaking time. I lean down to check something under the dash, and boom, my elbow accidentally rested on the edge of it and broke off the hinge piece. I already replaced it once, but it was from a Buick rendezvous, which brings me to my main question. Which cars have an identical cup holder?


The one I got ended up looking almost the same, but had a small lip near the hinge which prevented the armrest from clicking shut with it folded out. Hopefully I can replace it, this time with the right one. Also the pick your part near me is having a 40% off sale, so I'm having a field day this weekend :dance: 


For example, this one does not have that lip, it's completely flat near the mounting posts.




This one does have the lip:




On a side note, I swear to god everything in all my cars is made of fine china. They're all 20+years old so that's to be expected, but still, it'd be nice to take something out that didn't break or wasn't unobtainium, which is everything. Just look at a panel funny, and all the tabs break simultaneously while also laughing your pathetic attempts to improve things. Also I'll be making an introduction about myself soon once I take some pictures of the family fleet.


That looks identical to the cupholder I had in my old 1992 Buick Century, which like yours, broke.


I later found that the A-bodies also had a folding cupholder that accommodated two cups at once, but they're fragile, too.


Short answer, you might look in old FWD GM A Bodies 


Well, I went there today to see what I could get. Nope, nothing. None of the older gm cars I looked at had remotely similar cupholders, and the ones that would have had them were already taken, go figure! Guess I'll try another junkyard.


There is a yard about an hour away from me that has about 10-15 Pontiac Aztek's and 8-10 Buick Rendezvous'.  I'll grab some the next time I'm out there, might be awhile though.

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