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Oil found on spark plug

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Ok everybody, today while doing my front 3 spark plugs i found som eoil on the thread of one of them, is this a bad sign? I have had to put a few quarts in my car recently and i havent noticed any oil on the ground. Is this a sign im burning oil? and if so, what can be done? anybody else had this problem? thanks



If its on the threads, it may be leaking from the valve cover downt the head to the plug. If its on the tip, like CompuFreek suggested, then you maybe burning oil


It's very likely to be the valve cover gaskets. There's an O-ring around every plug, and they're likely to leak.


Its only on the thread, not the tip. And only one of them was caked so far. But one was smoking when I took the plug out. The engine was warm and it was liek 27 degrees out, but the other two didnt smoke or steam.


not autolites...........they dont have o-rings. ive seen another kind without them either


I meant valve cover O-rings, not O-rings on the spark plugs.

The valve covers have holes for the spark plug tunnels and inside these holes is an O-ring sandwiched between the valve cover and the tunnel in the cylinder head.

Its only on the thread, not the tip. And only one of them was caked so far. But one was smoking when I took the plug out. The engine was warm and it was liek 27 degrees out, but the other two didnt smoke or steam.


:shock: you pulled the plugs HOT!?!


the oil like mentioned befor is from the valvecover leaky gasket


:shock: you pulled the plugs HOT!?!


They weren't hot, they were warm. It was either that or lose my fingers to frostbite pulling them out. Is there something wrong with doing that? My father suggested it, and he used to work on cars ALL THE TIME!


You should always pull spark plugs with engine cold, if your car has aluminum heads. All W-bodies have aluminum heads except the ones with 3800 engine.


Yup, pulling them on a hot, or even on a warm engine, you run a higher risk or stripping out the plug threads in the head.


I did it cold just for a precaution but if its a little warm your not going to strip the heads.

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