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Refugee from GPF

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Hello everyone, my name is Jason.  Been on GPF for a while and of course like others I see here now it appears I have found a good place to call home and hopefully finish my build.  Besides, what's the point of building something if you can show off broken parts, lol.. 


I don't have any recent pics of my rides so I'll post some up when I get the chance once I kinda figure out the new forum and get all my pics off PB.  My 3 current cars are my 00 GPGT that I've been slowly and quietly modding over the years, a 95 Bonneville SE (staying stock), and my 03 Crown Vic LX Sport w/ some light mods.  I do have 5 other cars in various states of repair but the budget/time is limited so yeah...


Hope I can lend some knowledge where I can and maybe one day have a sweet GP like everyone else did about 10 years ago ;)


BTW, anyone heard from Bill?  Just wondering if he followed over or finally had enough of the 3800 world.



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Another one joins the "flock" of misplaced G.P.Effer's...Welcome, I'm a fellow noob here too.


Thanks for the welcomes!  I guess I'll have to finally put together a sig and profile on my GP, once I figure that out, lol.


Hey fordman! Glad to have you! I know you've definitely helped me in the past!


Hey! I'm glad to see that we're getting quite a few of our old GPF regulars back together on here.


Hey fordman! Glad to have you! I know you've definitely helped me in the past!


Thanks!  Might be looking for some body parts in my color since you seem to have more GP's out your way that may be in better shape than here in the 'Lou.


Thanks!  Might be looking for some body parts in my color since you seem to have more GP's out your way that may be in better shape than here in the 'Lou.

Sure! Just let me know what you need! There's been 23 and counting this month alone come to the junkyard! 


Welcome to the forum.


You and I are on similar boats. 5 cars, a work car that's also a daily (I'm not really supposed to but eh), the other 4 are in various states of repair. The W's don't run. They both turn over and start but one of them has a bad trans, the other has a bad subframe. The one with the bad subframe moves, it just needs to be aligned correctly so it can be bolted back on the chassis.


I've seen a lot of posts about former members of GPF....I guess I really have been out of the loop for a LONG time! LOL....I never knew anything about GPF. The first forum I joined when I bought my first GP was ClubGP and then I wound up over at GrandPrix.Net, which is still operating but a ghost-town of posts.  I admit I was very happy to see such an active board when I first signed on here. Glad to know so many w-bodies are still kicking. Welcome!


hi, welcome!! want a modded GTP? lol


Sure!  Can I come live with you? cause I'm pretty sure that the "other half" would be done with all of it at that point, lol..  Heck, I had 9 cars up until last year when I sold the 95 Formula Firebird for pretty much nothing just to get it gone.

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