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EGR Valve Sensor or MAF Sensor slow down acceleration

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Another great dumb question. Will a EGR Valve sensor or a Mass Air Flow sensor slow down an engines acceleration?


Also, on a side note, is it hard to clean these sensors or is it best to replaced them? From what I am seeing they are about $100 a piece.


Again thanks for the guidance!



94 3400 V6 140,000 miles


Maf definitely cause if it’s not getting an accurate reading it’s not putting the correct amount of fuel with the air. EGR probably could if it’s clogged. To clean the maf take off your intake tubing (and you should take off the TB as well but not required) and get a can of MAF cleaner from Walmart or car parts store. LIGHTLY spray the element and let it air dry. DO NOT touch the maf. It would be a good time to clean the TB as well. I’m not sure if you can clean the EGR sensor? And there’s no such thing as a dumb question


Great. Thank you for the direction. "Making Sure" I can not screw cleaning the MAF sensor? Spray and wait for it to dry. Then install. What is the "TB" I need to clean?


Great. Thank you for the direction. "Making Sure" I can not screw cleaning the MAF sensor? Spray and wait for it to dry. Then install. What is the "TB" I need to clean?

Throttle body. You don’t have to clean it but it’s something you can do. Get all the Black gunk off it. Turn the car off unplug the maf sensor just to be safe and spray a little bit of the maf cleaner on the element and it will drip off into the throttle body (TB) and then dry on its own pretty quickly
Posted (edited)

it usually isn't possible to completely clean a mass air flow sensor. you would use something very evaporative on a Q-tip and very very carefully clean the filament which is something like a human hair. sometimes you can make them better but rarely you can make them okay

Edited by Imp558

The basic symptom is that when I push normally on the accelerator pedal it takes awhile to get up to 35 - 45 mph , when I gun it accelerating onto the interstate. Its similar to that of when I am pushing normally on the accelerator pedal.


I have driven other V6's and they do not take this long to get up to speed. I have a 4 cylinder that is quicker.



Would a sensor cause this type of behavior? Again, once up to speed its ok. "crusing interstate speed".


is the check engine light on? It would be a good idea to get it to a scan tool that can see some variables


Nope the check engine light is not on. If it does not come one, I would assume that means everything is in working order. What type of scan tool do you have? What can you do with it (if) the check engine light does not come on? Can you still check the cars range?


It's a pretty fancy scan tool to talk to an OBD-I, or a cable and TunerPro. I have a Snap-On MT2500, about a $300 date on Ebay and a pittance compared to it's price when new.


Even though I have an old Actron CP9110, and a OTC 4000E scantool, AND a Saar ALDL cable for TunerPro, I for some unfathomable reason want an MT-2500.


BTW, someone has a Tech 1A scantool on sale for $375.00 on Ebay right now...I sort of want one of those, too.


Even though I have an old Actron CP9110, and a OTC 4000E scantool, AND a Saar ALDL cable for TunerPro, I for some unfathomable reason want an MT-2500.


BTW, someone has a Tech 1A scantool on sale for $375.00 on Ebay right now...I sort of want one of those, too.


Oddly enough I haven't even used my MT2500 in a practical application yet but the GS will be here in a couple weeks and I can't wait to try it. If you want an MT2500 I could ship you mine to play with for a while and test the waters ... after I finally play with it, lol.

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