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The continuing saga of my shitty Grand Prix


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Well, a new day, more fucking problems from the Grand Prick.


The first one is admittedly my fault.


Up to speed, those who haven't been following: my brakes went out. The left front caliper decided to lose a brake pad, thanks to the stress put on it due to a lack of a functioning rear caliper. Basically I didn't have the $ to fix it, so I didn't.


My grandfather's friend has been working on cars for about 50 years or so, so I knew he had the right tools to do things I couldn't. I called him up, and miraculously, he was willing to PAY to buy me new calipers. Thank God. All I had to do was get the car to his house/garage out in the country (Union Rd off of I-675 literally where the interstate ends after the I-70 jct.)


Well, the brake pedal went to the floor, so I had to hobble it up about 20 miles on the interstate, at 50+- miles per hour in the slow lane with hazards. I had noticed the previous evening that my right front wheel had only 3 lugs in it, but I didn't think too much of it, since I had been driving that way for God knows how long. I left about 7:45, and stopped for gas, and got on the highway.


Well, I get ten miles up the interstate and CLUNK! SCRAAAAAAPE (etc) as my right front falls to the ground and I see my right front tire bouncing and rolling past the front of my car into the grass on the right of the highway. I never panic in situations like that, so I managed to get to the side of the road, and after about 10 minutes of thinking, collect called my grandparents, and they called the guy I was headed to see, and were on their way.


Some miracle induced a stranger to go back and find my Pontiac rim for me, and he brought it to me at the side of the interstate. It was cold and windy, and they saved me a lot of looking. A lot of luck is involved in these experiences of mine.


My grandfather, his friend, and his big honkin' truck arrive, and we put the donut on the two remaining studs on the right side, (the other three were twisted off, only the bolt heads remained in the hub). Somehow we managed to get my car to the garage and we ended up removing all the wheels, including the right front hub and stud assembly, and went to Advance Auto parts and bought new calipers, studs, and lugnuts.


We came back, put all the parts together, bled the brakes THOROUGHLY, and finally finished, the end result: MY CAR STOPPED!! 8)


Well, it was time for me to go do my job (pizza delivery) so I start heading down there. I get all the way down the interstate 20+ miles (sometimes firewalling the throttle) and the last time my car was driveable was at the INTERSECTION ADJACENT TO MY WORK. I swear, I was turning left to go to Pizza Hut, and I hear another clunk, and a lot of screeching tires as a lot of cars stop. Gridlock.


There happened to be two Riverside cops sitting at that intersection, and I saw red and blue lights as one came out to direct traffic.


I got out of the car, and saw that the tire, hub, and strut assembly were seperate from the frame. The cop told me right away I'd fucked up my tie rod end. I felt like kicking the car again, but restrained myself in front of the officer (who looked to be about 4-6 years older than me). I told him that yes, I wanted him to call a tow truck, and we sat down in our respective cars and waited.


Once the tow came, I was asked where I wanted the car taken. Having no cash on me, I didn't know where offhand would be a good place to tow it, or how I was going to pay for it. So I called my grandfather to see if his friend wanted me to bring it back.


In short, the tow truck driver told me he was swamped, and now I have to pay a fucking STORAGE and BAIL OUT fee IN ADDITION to FIXING WHATEVER BROKE (the tow truck guy says it's a ball joint assembly) I HAVE NO IDEA! I'M GETTING REALLY SICK OF THIS REALLY QUICK. :cuss: :verymad: :verymad:


I ended up driving my mom's 5sp Subaru Outback tonight for pizza delivery. The seats suck, the engine is alright (2.5L pushrod AWD) but I hate the car. I miss my W, my Prix, but it's being a HUGE prick right now. I'm not sure exactly what's wrong, but I'll post it tomorrow (with pics) when I bail the motherfucker out.


:cuss: :verymad: :verymad:

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I need to part ways. I was planning on selling this POS anyway to get something better, something I know isn't going to break down tomorrow. If anybody has got a car (near OH) that is decent, they're willing to sell, for $500 or max $1000, I'd love to know about it. I'm currently hoping Kadoi's TGP isn't a timebomb, and that I can come up with $1000 to buy it from him... I just hope it's not a disaster waiting to happen... is the TGP a reliable car? Would I be doing something completely stupid in buying it?


Also, where the hell am I going to come up with $1000?? I can sell my car for whatever I can get, after I fix this problem, but it's likely not going to be more than $1000 and I have to worry about the starter on Kadoi's TGP, and then titling... but I need a car.


Any advice would be appreciated...

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Do you really think buying a cheap car is gonna solve your problems?

I dont.

Id use the money you are thinking about buying a car with for a downpayment on a loan for a newer car. Since you have a job you can hopefully afford monthly payments.

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I had the same thing happen to me, i really feel for ya. i was driving down the road and i hear boom screeeeech pop, then i stopped. I got out to see my tie rod snapped in half and my tire with a GIANT hole in it . that day i wanted to start the damn car on fire :twisted: hope your luck gets better dude.



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No offense intended at all, PJB, but my problems right now are much worse, at least personally, than I can fathom right at this point. Pretty much I'm getting bitched at about my job from everyone, nobody is helping anything, besides me to lose my sanity, and the car still sits at the fucking impound.


I can't get a cosigner on any newer car I get, and I can't pay the insurance on it myself, my mom refuses to pay her half of it if I get anything new, and my current car is probably useless as anything but a fucking paperweitght.


I'm going insane in this house, I'm about to move out, except now I lack the means of doing so. Don't let the sanity of my typed words betray the state I'm in at this second, I can tell you it's anything but sane. More like at the end of my rope.


You might as well lock this thread, or it's just going to be more and more pointless, I'm basically fucked. Sorry to waste everyone's time.

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this should be moved to whatever, but just to make a suggestion:


it seems as if most of your problems GP1138 would be solved by a new job. a new job means 1) happieness, or more than you have right now. 2) possibility of more money, which means money to afford insurance on a new car, or to repair your current one. this is probably much easier said than done though

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