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motor rebuild


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ok so i'm rebuilding a 3.4 for my z34 and i was wondering if anyone had any informatoin on stroking the motor out....i kno they have kits to make 2.8 stroked to 3.4 but i wanna stroke mine and i was also wondering if ne one had any ideas on valve train.. thanks... i'm kinda new on here but i was aon the efi board a lil... but a 3.4 fan by far

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ok so i'm rebuilding a 3.4 for my z34 and i was wondering if anyone had any informatoin on stroking the motor out...


IIRC, the DOHC is already maxed out on bore and stroke.

You increase it anymore and you'll run into problems with too small of tolerances.

But there are alternatives to getting power out of your DOHC.


- Erik

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ok so i pulled some of the crank and pistons today...and well #2 was were the knock was... the bearing was stilll there but worn, the crank looks decent but idk ne one got ne crank specs for me? i need to kno what my options are,,, how about cranks prices ne one gottten any?

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