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CAI or Stock Box in winter?


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Right now, I'm running this:



Do you think it's gonna hurt to run this during the winter time, or should I put the stock box on? Usually in the winter, I put the stock back on just because I really don't know...lol. But what do you think?



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Yeah, I do like having a warm car...driving 35 min to school everyday is gonna suck with the really cold stuff...I think I'll strap the stock box back on soon. But in the same respect that kinda sucks b/c I love the way that the car runs with the CAI or Short Ram or whatever it should be called. :roll:

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I don't really spin that much. Usually only happens if I try to make it spin. And I try not to do that much either. I don't need to replace tires again, or any other types of parts. But I just took the car for a ride with the stock box on and it's alright I guess...lol

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im keeping mine on! It doesnt take that much longer in the morning to let it warm up...it usu. sits for like 10 minutes before I leave anyways.


and no, as far as i know...theres nothing wrong with to cold of air. Hell...do you know how could nitrious oxide is? Much colder than any winter morning



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How does cooler AIR keep the car from warming up faster? Isnt the COOLANT what warms up the car? :roll:



the engine temperature is directly related to the temperature of the air that enters the engine :roll:

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wow guys....


coolant keeps the engine COOL. it doesnt matter if its -40 out. your engine can still reach an insane temp no matter what the temp of the incoming air is. coolant circulates to regulate the temp of your engine and keep it there, with the help of your fan.

leaving the cone on in the winter the way i see it is just more beneficial. your getting more of what your engine likes - cold air. it does not take my car any longer to warm up...at least any noticable time and your engine still reaches operating temp in the winter with a cone filter. operating temperature is much higher than the temp of the hottest air you vents will blow out anyway. we would be burt if the air coming out was at 195 degrees.


The only things you loose with a cone filter are NOT seasonally related. you loose torque, and you let dirt into your engine. I dont care how good of a cone filter you have, it doesnt do jack in keeping dirt out. i try not to go more than a month without cleaning the filter and my TB.


In the winter, some of you may notice you are able to peel out a lot better. this is because the pavement is now cold, tires break loose and lock up much easier on cold pavement. in the summer i can barely chirp my tires on a turn flooring it, but now that its cold i can do full burnouts on half throttle. when i have the stock airbox on i can probably even do a burnout on warm pavement. you loose a LOT or torque using a cone, and its been proven


hope this helps

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oh yeah and you guys gotta get this straight. what you have is not a CAI (cold air intake) you have a WAI (warm air intake, or just plain 'intake', cone filter, whatever). a *true* CAI is what aaron has on his speed machine Z34. it reaches down into the fender and sucks in fresh colder air instead of the warmer air in your engine bay (hence bening called a warm air intake). CAIs are even worse in terms of dirt getting in the engine

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yeah...i agree. In the winter, you do usually notice a few "performance" increases...due to temps of tires, air, and road.


Also, and i dont know if this makes a difference, but you also have colder air in the engine bay to start, in the morning. So, this may be what yall are thinking of.


For example, your car warms up much faster if the hood is down, rather than up. When I was checking my leaks (and wanting the fans to come on), I kept leaving the hood up. I then droped it, and noticed the temp went up much faster.



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ismellrealbad: Thank you for the advise. That actually did help. I am kinda worried about the amount of dirt that would enter into the TB and engine b/c of the cone. I have the stock on now, and I'm gonna use that for the winter mainly because I know that there is ALWAYS a lot of dirt 'n shit on the roads in my area.


Also, yeah your right it is a warm air intake. After finding a post from Aaron (not hard to do), I looked and yup...it's a warm air intake. But I still feel that with the WAI, I am getting somewhat cooler air in the summer time.


As to everyone else! Thanks!!



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You're crazy. We have clean roads around here... :lol:


Oh jeez...your right!! I should be THANKING PennDot for the way that they keep care of the roads...and even the asshole coal trucks on the toby road every damn day...lol :lol:

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I know!! Didn't it make a total world of difference?!?! I thought it was cool.....NOT. I wouldn't drive my car on that road for at least a month b/c of those damn chips.


Hey Red, do you have Cutty 5 Spokes on your white 89?

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To me I would think even running your tubing through the fender well and grabing cold air from the outside by the time that cold air went through the hot tubing in your engine bay compartment it would still be a WAI because warm tubing would heat the air before it got to your throttle body. So that wouldnt be a true CAI either. To have a true CAI you would have to run a short tube straight to a hole in the hood where the air wouldnt have time to heat up before going in the throttle.

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phantom...whats 'wrong' with my car is the cone filter. i cant put the stock box on because i dont have the tubing from the maf to the airbox, plus i really love how cool my car sounds with that thing on.


runts_supreme, in terms of your summertime prefrance to the cone, its actually worse though. with the regular airbox on, the little snorkel near the headlights is being fed the outside air, which will always be cooler in the summer than the air trapped in your engine bay. the cone is sucking in that insanley hot air while the airbox is being fed slightly cooler fresher air

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Just curious cuz I saw it in Kersey Thanksgiving day and I figured that you were one of the only people on earth to do something like that!!


I think it looks pretty bad ass!

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