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how can I reset my rev limiter

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ok i'm finaly getting my engine tunned and running righte after my rebuild



I'd say I'm getti alot more power than before the rebuild..but It will only rev to 5,000 every time it getts to 5k the rpms start to slow down......


what can do to get it to rev to 6,500 so I can feal how much power the thing realy has.......




also would set of lighter wheels with with more highe performance designed tire give improved accelleration, baking, and handling?




and also would benefit a power increase by cleaning my fuel injecters?....(no t with fuel treat but my dad just orederd a kit whur ya remove your inject and and plugg into it and it cleans them with some kinda speacial solution.....


If its been tuned, whoever tuned it should know where the rev limiter is. BTW, your rev limiter is 6212 RPM stock. If you dont have a gen 3 top end swap, you wont make any power past 5000 anyway without boost.


I'm tunning it myself....I dont know of anyone that tunes fuels injected engines in my town so I'm doin it my self......



today I think I mighte replace my throtle position seser (its bein Idling kinda crazy)


do an idle relearn, it helped my car


with ur car off, pull the ecm fuse for about 10-12 seconds, then replace it

start ur car, it might stall out with in 2 seconds, but dont worry, it should catch the 2nd time around

with the car started, put it in drive w/ ur foot on the brake and hold it for at least 5 minutes, and no longer than 7 minutes

shut car off for 10 seconds

restart, and hold in park for 5 minutes, shut car off

idle is relearned

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