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Someone save this 1995 triple white

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I saw this on Craigslist today and went to look at it.  The body is in good shape with the exception of a dent in front right fender and minor front bumper trouble.  Very solid otherwise.  Interior is dirty/yellowed some but intact.  The top is whole but should be replaced.  108,000 miles (add is wrong) and was parked due to unknown engine trouble.  The owner was letting someone else drive it and they claimed the engine shut off while idling.  It appeared locked up so the owner begin dismantling the engine and front cam carrier is off.  It will turn over now, and the cam carrier appears undamaged, so he's unsure what the problem was.  It's cheap ($800) and I believe the car could be put back on the road....someone save it.  




is the body on that as nice as it looks...looks real clean. I hope somebody saves it


The car is dirtier than in the pictures and needs a strong cleaning, but it is in that good of condition.  Front left fender is dented but could be an easy fix.  


NC is close to me. I could get it shipped to you if you wanted


Not a bad deal. I paid 500 for my 95 triple white in similar condition

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