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slught leak again

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under the car, and i dont know when it is happening, im having little puddles, no bigger than my fist. Its not the size, or location of where it leaked before, when my water pump went.


I got down, after noticing some "fresh....still wet". It had NO smell whatsoever, and when i wiped my hand on it, i felt something on my hand, but again, no smell, and no color.


The only smell i smelt was a little bit up where it was dry, and where it had leaked coolant a while back.


Also, i looked at my resivor. Still normal (well, slightly below one time, then the next it was slightly higher).


What could this be? My parrents 02 intrepid has like a huge puddle under it to this morning.


any ideas? Only thing different is i have ben using the heat, and sometimes the vent


My bet is all that is under the car is water.

If it were coolant, oil, power steering fluid, trannyu fluid, etc. etc., you could smell it and mark the colour.

My Dad's Cutty leaves little water puddles. My GP does not. If that's all you have leaking out of your w-body you should do a happy dance or something. I'd kill to have only water/condensation as a puddle under my car.

I can't think of single colourless and odorless fluid in the car or product of combustion other than water.




yeah, its water. Ive had on my Defrost. Defrost=AC Condensor. Thats why my parrents intrepid is doing the same.


So! YAY! all my car pees is water now! No more coolant!





yeah, its water. Ive had on my Defrost. Defrost=AC Condensor. Thats why my parrents intrepid is doing the same.


So! YAY! all my car pees is water now! No more coolant!




I win!

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