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Swapping 2 door Coupe side door windows onto Convertible

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What's going on everyone just wanted to share some info. My 95 convertible had gotten vandalized last month and it's been difficult finding a convertible at a local junkyard in the New England area because there's just not much up north compared to the mid West and Southern states. Anyhow I found a 93 2 door coupe at a yard 15 minutes away from my home. Took those side windows off the Coupe only to be disappointed. They did not fit. I've read some topics stating that it was confirmed by some folks that it worked. But for me I couldn't get them to fit correctly. Luckily theres a 94 blue convertible 40 minutes away that had all windows and I took those off and they fit perfectly. I hope this saves people some time and money when replacing there convertible windows from junkyard. Good luck to all!!


What was different with the windows to make them unique

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IIRC the Vert windows are slightly larger due to there not being a frame around the entire piece like on the coupe. I could be wrong on that though, the discussion has been quite awhile ago.

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Convertible windows are the same as coupes since the cars were coupes to begin with.


The glass changed slightly in 94 and again in 95.


Yeah I agree with what rich_e777 wrote. They just didn't work on my 95 vert.the 94 very windows fit perfectly on my 95.

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I think Rich is right...he now owns my old '95 convertible...but if you look at the edges of the window glass, they look different than coupe glass...as if they've been carefully ground at the edges.


I`d lean towards what Manic mentioned, I am a mere peasant I the presence of royalty. :mrgreen:  Hes got more hands on exp and I haven't personally compared the two piece of glass.

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