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top question

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I am in the process of replacing the top on my 93 vert .I got the top instruction manual with the new roof but this thing sucks!On the up side it claims it covers all the tops made since the fourties .In the real world this means its very vague .In short the convertible top guys sent me a very nice top but the instructions suck I ordered a 90-91 factory convertible service manual supplement but it seems more like a book that covers all the problems and updated service procedures. I suppose there is nothing available online in the form of a factory manual is there or does someone have unit specific instructions?


i've been researching the same, and I havent come across much...there may be a few youtubes out there. I also bought the service manual supplement, I was amazed at the lack of information in it.


I have since bought the service manuals for the car but haven't received them yet they will give a comprehensive procedure I am sure .I also secured the gm product service manual for the car's top on vhs .From what I read this video will be the ticket to servicing and replacing the top .It took me all weekend to find this stuff now I cant wait for it to get here !


If the VHS does help, can you do a copy onto a DVD and then rip the DVD to have it in MP4 or MPEG form? Would be nice for the vert guys that want to change their top. I know I need to do that on my new frame once I get it installed.

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I will have to see if that is within my skill set when I get this stuff home hopefully by this weekend if I am lucky there is another member that has them burnt to CD I believe

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