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my trans in my 00 monte went out. it feels like the breaks are just locked up when i try to go forward and when i put it in nuetral and hit the gas it goes a little forward. and reverse doesnt work, all i did was start the car and put it in reverse and heard a clunk.... does anyone know if i need to replace my trans or what not?


i dunno, if your trans goes out typically you replace the trans. fix whats wrong man. but a 2000, it should be under warrenty.

my trans in my 00 monte went out. it feels like the breaks are just locked up when i try to go forward and when i put it in nuetral and hit the gas it goes a little forward. and reverse doesnt work, all i did was start the car and put it in reverse and heard a clunk.... does anyone know if i need to replace my trans or what not?


Gen II tranny problems already huh? Yeesh!

If there's a severe clunk and the car does does not more, don't make it a worse situtation by trying to move it.

First, is fluid up to level and correct pinkish / redish color?

If so, it's something internal. Call you local dealership on warranty issues or a local tranny shop for options.

From first glance and reading your post, sounds like you're in for a repair bill...

But, hey, congrads on killing the first Gen II tranny on this board!


- Erik


i might have some good news... there is a service bulletin out for the 00 monte that the trans makes a clunking or grinding noise and then you cant move in drive or reverse... so im hoping thats the problem , i have to talk to the service advisor and asks him whats going on.

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