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I FUCKING HATE PEOPLE..............................STUPID MUTHER AAAA



So i work at a grocery store, night before thanksgiving busy as hell. Parking lot full. Me and 4 other people park diagonal to protect our cars. Does it work? FUCK NO some asshole decides he can try and avoid the median im parked next to and hit my fucking car. I was taking a piss and my remote started making noise telling me my alarm was going off. I zipped and ran outside but there was no one there and i saw the scratches, the gouge in the bumper cover, and the dent. The rear passenger side fender is fucked with scratches and dent, the bumper cover is ok but i bet needs to be replaced same with the taillight. If i find this person I will fuck them up. They didnt leave a note nothing. I called the cops and he was going to give me a ticket for the way i parked. He also said that the insurance if they person would have given me his info would have had a hard time filing the accident because i wasnt following the lines which is bullshit. I am so fucking pissed i could kill someone right now.



If you look on my sig, on that side of the car, behind the rear tire from the bumper cover up is red scratches and scratches in the paint almost metal deep. the fender is also dented in a good amount.

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geez, take pill and relax it's not worth it to get so stressed out. It's ONLY a car, it's not like your child was run over. My car was just recently hit too, a total insurance nightmare that's 4 days in and it looks like unless I cave in and forget about the claim they'll total my car and take it away. I just found out today that since this happended in a commercial owned property that it is considered mutual fault. I hate being responsible for some other persons actions, I always take responsibility for mine.


I guess the same would apply to you, you were admittedly parked illegally.


Laws are laws, just the same as if someone hit you but you had no car insurance, you're at fault.



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I cant relax though. I am a college student, paying monthly payments on the nicest car me or my family has ever owned, and have liability. I may legaly be at fault, but there aint no way am i at fault for the stupid fucker who thought he would rather hit my car than the curb. It MAY just be a car, but like my gf, i am very protective of it. Even when i drove POS cars, if someone did something to it id get pissed. Its my car they shouldnt be doinga nything to it. Cars are expensive, i get very pissed because i do not have the money to make this repair. And since there is metal showing, it will prolly start to rust now that its winter time and there goes my thoughts of this car becoming a show car.

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Hey I was young once too so I can understand :) Trust me, there will be worse things happen as you go through life and some joyess things you'll be in awe about for what is or certainly seems like an eternity. I can remember eating Spagettios and toast as I paid my way through school. I didn't like those years of my life when I was going through that stage of my life but now I'm glad I had to. Get over your obsessiveness now before you get all caught up in the negatives not allowing you to see the positives. You can't and never will be able to control others actions, be it the people who act irresponsibly like the person who damaged your car or your girlfriend. I'll stop now, I know you're thinking I'm trying to be fatherly and that's not it at all, I wish I had listened to someone back 20 some odd years ago, maybe things would have been better back then.


Back to the issue, I'm in the same shoes as you [incident wise] and I was not upset when it happened, it took the insurance companies involvement to bring that on. 22 years of safe driving, NEVER a claim and I'm treated like some numbskull who's driving record has more infractions than a criminal record. I've owned my '89 International since it had 1.8 miles on the odometer, I ordered it brand new. I just recently made the decision to give it some TLC and keep it. I'm glad this incident happended before I spent all the $ to redo it but now I'm being told they [the ins co] can and will take the car if they pay out a total loss claim, it's then their property. All this over $800 in damage and they claim it's "totalled". The repair estimate was high and the parts stated were not needed, everyone would probably laugh at the estimate if they saw the damage. I think the paint shop was trying to make some easy $ and may even have inquired to buy the car from the ins co if totalled so I'm checking into that fraud attempt as well.


In any event, do like I did and go get a $300 touch up paint spray can or brush on and protect the damage from the elements.


Best of luck!

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This is why I have insane insurance coverage on all my driveable cars. I couldn't care less about liability. I'm not worried about me hitting someone, it's someone hitting me that has me paranoid. See, with cars, to me there's no such thing as an "accident". Careless driving or stupidity is not an accident. Sure that guy didn't mean to hit your car, but if he had a clue as to what he was doing, it would never have occured. The hit didn't happen due to some unforeseen circumstance (which would constitute the term accident), it happened due to his impudence and/or inadequate driving skills. That's not an accident, that's ignorance. I have yet to be the cause of one myself, so my abilities are not my primary concern. It's the rest of the idiots on the road that worry me.


My comprehensive deductable on each of my cars is only $100, the lowest I could get, and it's paid off. I've had to make a couple claims throughout the years, all of which have been the "hit-and-run" in a parking lot type. I would never dream of going without comprehensive coverage.

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Well, you should read your policy VERY closely. I have full coverage on all of my cars and owe not 1 penny on any of them. I've NEVER had as much as a speeding ticket and of course my rates are low due to that fact so having full coverage is cost effective just in case [you know, swerving to avoid one of those lousy drivers]. There are so many exclusions in your policy it's not even funny, go ahead check. For instance, since my incident was on private property it's considered "mutual fault" at most. If you hit an animal and claim under comp, you better have the dead animal, in most cases. It's rediculous what I'm going through and I just mailed off a letter to the ins commission today stating my concerns.


I told them I wouldn't give up without a fight and now they've got their hands full. A good thing they're the "good hands people".

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Well, you should read your policy VERY closely. I have full coverage on all of my cars and owe not 1 penny on any of them. I've NEVER had as much as a speeding ticket and of course my rates are low due to that fact so having full coverage is cost effective just in case [you know, swerving to avoid one of those lousy drivers]. There are so many exclusions in your policy it's not even funny, go ahead check. For instance, since my incident was on private property it's considered "mutual fault" at most. If you hit an animal and claim under comp, you better have the dead animal, in most cases. It's rediculous what I'm going through and I just mailed off a letter to the ins commission today stating my concerns.


I told them I wouldn't give up without a fight and now they've got their hands full. A good thing they're the "good hands people".


Shit, dont get me started about Allstate. My dad was an agent for them and they screwed him over so bad for many years, making him sign contracts that basically gave his life to them, then they fired him last year and said he cant contact his old customers for a year if he started up an independent insurance business, which he did. Also, of the thousands of agents they fired over the last few years, 90-95% of them were over age 40 (my dad included). The agents multi-million dollar law suit was recently given class-action status by the government and one court has already given the suit a go for court action. Allstate is about to be out some serious cash, like 1/2 a billion to all the agents they fired and made sign unlawful contracts. They'll be gettin what they deserve, I just hope for my dad's sake its soon. Oh, yeah, fuck Allstate

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Oldslover and hyeboy i agree with what you guys are saying. Most of the time in car incidences, its because one of the drivers were stupid. Some are accidents though. This i no was not. If i was tryin to squeeze my car inbetween a median and another car, i would jump the curb before i hit the car. Thats something anyone should do, i would rather have my alignment a little bit off then scrapes and dents in my god damn car.


I may have bigger things to worry about, and i know this time of my life is going to suck financially. This may sound stupid, but i like having to go through this. It is probably the best stage in anyones life to go through, managing your money. Many people may say money isnt everything, but to servive you need it. And to have it and are not born rich, then you have to work for it and manage it. I enjoy it although it does bring ruff fucked up times like this. To me, my gf, my job and my car are my life. In that order with family and water obviously coming in there someplace too.


I have liability insurance. I want full coverage but i cant afford it. The one reason why i hate being this age is that. Why should I have to pay $300 a month on insurance when i rarely bring my car past 3000rpms? I am not a reckless driver-anymore-because this car means something to me. I have been in two accidents, one when i had my DL for about 2 months, and was careless and stupid and i didnt watch when i switched lanes in my truck and side swipped a tiny honda. The other i got rearended by a girl who was driving her first day with her DL and wasnt sure if she shoudl slam on the brakes because my car was stopped and she was going 40mph. So the bitch hit me.


Anyway, as the day has progressed i am more calm but i am still very pissed off. Anther reason because i just got my FFP Dogbone and wanted to go see what it was like but the roads are icy so Jasmyn is staying in the garage tonite.

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yea i agree i would have said something for the sake of my car getting fixed also if i hit another car. My dad brought up the fact that it just may have been that stupid mexican that was talkin shit to me about a month ago. His gf drove a old ass RED olds. But, I am not sure the car could have gotten that high, but no one seems to know this guys last name so i cant really tell the cops so they can go check things out.

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its not that easy somethimes just leaving a note...


awhile back i was late for my college morning lcass and i drove into a parking lane hitting a BEAUTIFUL S-10...no real damage though just a dent on the rear bumper...i pulled out some paper and was gonna leave a note but for some reason i didnt. All i kept thinking about was my expired license plates ticket, no $$ cuz i was paying a big debt, plus the fact that this guy might wanna pound me...


overall i didnt leave anote...i felt real bad and even now i feel guilty....

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If the Police would do their JOBS!!! they would take a sample of the paint findout what kind of car and hit up all the body shops in town!!!


for your own intrest if the police wont do that is check out the local body shops



I had a neibor In linn that parked his car in a legal space on in town on main road. some drunk ran into the back of it totaling the car and drove off.

TOTALED the car and left! didnt even get out to check for people inside the car. Police never found him :x

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It would cost the police thousands to do a paint check and go to all the body shops. Nobody died and the car can easily be fixed. I would compound the shit out of it. and touch it up for the winter. The winter sucks to keep a car nice and clean anyway. Save some $$ up over the winter. Then, When the weather breaks have it fixed and your rollin' nice again in the sun. 3M makes a liquid cleaner wax called "prep team" It's in a commercial looking bottle and take off just about anything. Now you have the whole winter to price shop. also look into the high schools some of them have auto body classes. It may not be the best work but it's free labor. Another idea is if your birthday or any holidays come up ask for the $$ and put it away. Here's another. check out my new thread.

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Man, I TOTALLY know how you feel. My accident was totally my fault. I have a $500 deductible, but I don't have 500 to fix my car. I have a check from the insurance co, and we got an itemized list of things that need to be replaced, which my dad looked at closer than ( yeah I'm daddy's little girl) and he realized that they wanted to replace some things that dont need to be. but my biggest issue is that yes i work two jobs, but I have bills that need to be paid, and i KNOW I cna get the parts cheaper than the 1500 its gonan cost to repair my front end. My friend thinks that kinda cheap to ahve the whole hood, bumper and minor things replaced, AND painted. The whole managing money thing I am getting pretty good at, until some shit like this happens. it sux big time, and i know how you feel. :(

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Green96GTPchick: Well, if you go factory new, it might not get cheaper than $1,500. But if you get everything at a junkyard, it should be WAY below that margin. The painting might be the only truely expensive part.


oldslover: I've already successfully filed claims a good 3-4 times in the past 7 years that I've been with Gieco. I still remember the first time with my first '86 6000 STE. I backed the car into a parking space at this carnival thingy that's held downtown once a year, "The Last Fling". I came back to discover a dent in my quarter panel. Who ever backed out next to me must have started cutting the wheel too early. I called Gieco and told them, and literally within a week: They sent someone out to look at it, he wrote up an estimate, faxed it to Gieco, and I had the check for it minus my deductible in my hand. IN ONE WEEK! I was expecting to get grilled on an interrigation, but the guy didn't ask a single question other than to go over the story again.


My not so good condition AWD 6000 has been sitting for a year waiting for a mastercylinder. It had developed a leak on the side of the pump motor, and was spraying brake fluid all over the strut tower every time it pressurized, so I decided to stop driving it before it ate through all the paint. I had the insurance moved to just "storage coverage" for $15 premium. Well, the car developed a flat, and it was towed from my friend's apartment parking lot where it was sitting. When I went to pick it up, I noticed that the bottom of the passenger side fender looked like it landed on something because it had pushed the fender and bumper upwards. I went back in to complain about it, but they gave me attitude right away as I figured they would. "The owner towed it himself, and he's not a lair". I told her I can produce countless witnesses to say otherwise, since everyone knew what condition the front was in (the car had been in an accident with the previous owner, and EVERYTHING on the front was new) before it was laid to rest. She called out the owner/guy who towed it and he came out to look at it. He goes "nope, that wasn't me. I write down all the damage on this sheet here before I tow it, and as you can see, I had that marked!" I'm like WTF??? After a few minutes, I snapped and said "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you! I KNOW MY CAR!! And now you want me to take the word of a worthless, white trash tow truck driver???" He didn't care for that too much. But by now, I knew he wasn't going to make this right, so I didn't care.


I called Gieco, and after argueeing over a couple phone calls (they said since the tow truck did this, they weren't liable for it under the storage coverage I have), they said we'll go ahead and do it since you've been a good customer. So, I got another check for $1,2XX. That certainly took care of the $150 I paid to get the car out of impoundment. :D


Moral of the story: Get a good insurance company. My dad left All-State YEARS ago because of their crappy customer service during claims.

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Green96GTPchick: Well, if you go factory new, it might not get cheaper than $1,500. But if you get everything at a junkyard, it should be WAY below that margin. The painting might be the only truely expensive part.







Yeah, but even that I might be able to get done for not that much. From GM, a new hood is over $1000., not even painted. So I think Im gonna fix it myself. Which should be interesting.

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If you're not in a rush to get it fixed, I'm sure I can come across most of what you need in the J/Ys around here. They're abundant in fully loaded GMs because that's what most people think of their cars, here. :cry:

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As far as getting the car fixed, I think I will apply for more money in my school self loan than I need. Basically, I will start getting estimates from a couple places that I know around here, then apply for a little over that amount plus what I need for school on the self loan. With my parents co-signing, I should get the money. Only problem is, I dont know when I would get that check since I am applying for the spring semester. I think i will look into that 3M stuff and do what I can to strip that stuff off. Primer and paint it and then get it professionally done when I get the loan check. Unless, I can get my hands on some paintless dent removal tools and get the dents out myself, but those things are damn expensive and i dont feel like messing with a hammer and dolly or whatever. I am decent at body work, but No where near a pro at it so on this car i would rather get the majority of the work done at a shop.

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:bash: :flip: FUCK INSURANCE COMPANIES!!! I got hit last April. I was closing my door and some old lady in a new acura 3.2 TL hit me. Old law states you gotta use the passenger side to get in and out so they said it was my fault. I had to pay my own 1200 bucks in damages to my car. A few months later I got a letter from her insurance looking for 5000!! SHE HIT ME!! I got some bullshit insurance company and it took about 6 attempts to get them just to look at the claim. I'm just hoping they took care of it because there is a possibility they can take away my license if it doesn't get paid. God, I hate insurance with a passion!
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I got one estimate today: $1434.61. Alot more than i expected for the damage that is there. I trust this shop and only one other shop that i might not get to until monday. They also want the car for 3 days which sucks because they are only open during the week and I cant exactly go without a car for that long.


Parts: $501.42

Body Labor: $386.40

Paint Labor: $310.80

Paint Suplies: $192.40

Sublet/Misc.: $11.00

Tax: $32.59


They want $51 for the wheel well molding and .3hr/e to Remove and install 3 different molding pieces for painting. Crazy expensive, I am going to go to Lehmans on Monday as they are one of the best shops in MN. This was from Lamettry's.

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