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Narrowing down the prob;cranksensor

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Here's how I replaced and tested my CPS today on my 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme 3.1L V6.


My CPS is located at the back of the engine and accessible from behind the oil pan.


I disconnected the connector directly from the CPS itself. I've noticed that the wire connector on the light on my car hood is exactly the same. So, I disconnected the car hood light wiring temporarily and use it to connect it to the CPS so I can test it.


I have to use an extra electrical wire with alligators clip on it and connect it to the Digital Multi-meter so I can see it inside the car when I'm testing it.


Old CPS results:

1182 ohms

0.66 Vac, 0.69 Vac, 0.56 Vac (it varied)


New CPS results:

883 ohms

0.658 Vac, 0.68 Vac, 0.59 Vac (it varied as well)


Tools needed to remove the CPS.

8mm wrench, pry bar.


Once you remove the hold down bolt of the CPS, try pulling the CPS out a little bit so you can have a space to put your pry bar in and use the pry bar as a leverage and off it comes out the CPS very easily.


Putting the new CPS needs the pry bar as a leverage to push it down because the o-ring on the CPS is tight.


Put the hold down bolt and tighten it up and then reconnect the CPS connector.

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