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Well, since I couldn't find any windshield lace for the 93 vert, went on line and searched for a way to refurbish it.  Found where someone suggested soaking in transmission stop leak (I used AT-205 Re-Seal from atp automotive) to restore worn or dried out rubber seals and figured what the heck.  Got nothing to lose.


Here's a shot of before (I also repainted the pillars while I was at it:






Let the trim soak about 4 days, then once pillars where painted and dry, reinstalled trim.






So maybe there is still hope for that dried out windshield lace.  Will let you know how long the treatment last.  Anything is better than before.


I did have to trim the lace when I put it back on as it did stretch a bit. 



  • Like 2

I ripped mine out and put in clear silicone caulk. It looks cleaner and doesn't leak.

  • Like 1

I ripped mine out and put in clear silicone caulk. It looks cleaner and doesn't leak.

do you have a good pic of that? I don't think I realized you did this


You can also use some stuff from NAPA that Syl-glyd makes for revitalizing rubber seals. Did my Cutlass awhile back and have been meaning to get another tube, its basically dieletic grease IIRC.


Looks good, probably going to need to see some more pics though.


The lace on my 94 vert looks exactly like yours. I'm going to try what you did to your 93. I've gone to every auto wreckers in southern ontario and you can't find windshield lace or anything similar anywhere.   


do you have a good pic of that? I don't think I realized you did this

Nope, don't have any good pics right now. It is hardly noticble.

  • 2 weeks later...

There is another link later in the thread where another place has the same part for something like $11 - for reference some people might be able to search that part # and find it at various places. However I'm a bigger fan of making the original work like you did, seems like people had to make some mods and the new part doesn't look the same as the orig.

  • 1 month later...

The clip house # is 800.373.3870. I think they are in Colorado Springs Colorado.


My opinion is don't waste your time or money with the Clip House. Just get some at your local auto glass shop, get a sample and see if you are satisfied with the results. I was not! Spend $10 local and if you mess up, you can try it another five times for the same money.



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I spoke with the folks at the Clip House and they sent me a sample of rubber lace to try out. In my opinion, it would take a lot of cutting to get it work and fit properly. I'm going to try the Transmission stop leak on the lace. I'll take some pictures of the before and after and post them.


Caulk it and be done with it. I like the look without the weather stripping on there. 

  • 5 months later...

Afubar.... how is the restored trim rubber on your windshield holding up? You said you would update us. And everyone else that they'll do it and take pictures.... updates, please! And let's see those pictures!  :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I also wonder how well that's held up.  Mine looks exactly like that.  I was thinking about heating it up with a heat gun, stretching it while it cooled.  Don't know if that would work, maybe soaking in stop leak is better.


Sorry guys, I've been out the country for the last 2 weeks. The lace is holding up well though in retrospect I wouldn't have let the lace soak for 4 days as it did stretch a bit and once it was put back on it did shrink back a bit. Still looks better than it did and the paint job has held up well. Right now the car is covered in pollen and the weather is getting ready to storm so when I get the car washed I'll post an update in the next few days.

  • Like 2

Thanks for the update! I will be doing that this spring.


I ended up getting rid of mine completely, found the 'replacements' didn't work too well.  When i got rid of them completely, i went to windshield company, they put some windshield sealant under the trim. Haven't had any issues since, and seems to be a clean look

  • 1 month later...

I ended up just replacing the old lacing with some new rubber from the Clip House. 


It looks better then the original lacing. Took me all of 45 minutes to install it.


Do you have a part number from the Clip House?  My rubber looks okay now, but I know its coming someday :-/


X2 on the part number request, that would be awesome! I'd also like to see how it looks.

  • 4 months later...

Well, I have an update on the windshield lace, it dried out again. I finally removed it and yesterday replaced it with some stuff I found on Amazon.



Trim-Lok Edge Trim PVC/Aluminum with Textured Black Finish, Single Gripping Finger, 9/16 inch, Height 1/8 inch, Length 25 feet by Trim-lok


Used black weather stripping adhesive by 3M to apply.


Now to play waiting game to see how it holds up.


Sorry that the iphone photos are sideways.




  • Like 2

Thanks for the update. It seems 22 year old rubber cannot be renewed. 


The new stuff you have on there looks good! Congratulations. 

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