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google link for w-body took me to adultfriendfinder


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so yeah, at work, tried to get onto the site, googled it, the link to the forum took me to adultfriendfinder, so I will be in a shyt show soon with that. just thought I should make it know here

Edited by 2001goldGTP
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i had something similar happen last night looking for the stud size for the exhaust manifold... out of the ~10 links I clicked through google, one sent me elsewhere.

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Haven't tested at home, and we're blocked from a lot of things, but I've seen the blocked message and had to get to a link via cache in Regular Google...although I seem to recall that it only happened on results that were old threads, between 2007-2011..ish.

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Just used the google as the site:w-body.com search and still couldn't make it happen.




it only happened to me in maybe 1/10 searches/links, so I doubt it will be easy to track down.

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so at work everything goes through google, i typed wbody without the dash, like always, the link showed up with all the sub forums listed, clicked, big blocked web page thing we get, said it was trying to take me to adultfriendfinder. i clicked back, checked the link again, clicked again got the site as normal. It has never happened to me before. i will have to try and view the forum on my phone and not my computer, they take blocked content serious around here lol.

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using google as a search function for the site is much more effective than the forum's search function.


Interesting, I've never tried it. But then again, the search function here has always pulled through :lol:

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Same thing happened for me as well in a way. It takes me to an advertising site with pop-ups like crazy.


What is different is that when I log in here and open up another tab a re-google it. The link takes me here.

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Just tried googling 'wbody.com'. Clicked the hit for the 'Activity Stream' and Avast on my PC gave me a popup message it'd 'blocked a malicious website'. The real w-body.com page did load however.

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I have gotten a page that wants me to downloaded the lasted update from Adobe Flash and says my laptop is not up to date. Why cant the Chinese leave us alone? What did us W-body guys ever do to anyone?

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I got the aff redirect also using Chrome on my phone.. It started going to the right w-body.com address and then the address changed to random letters all of a sudden and took me to aff...

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for whatever reaszon even if i type in the url chrome takes me through google, its something with the way its set up at my work. i can go to any website i want as long as its not deemed to be porn or malware type stuff. i have not had the issue on my phone.

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Sooooo stop googling wbody? :lol: just go to the site directly..


Then people will stop searching topics and start reposting the same questions... Well more at least. I notice the pop up/redirect thing only happens on the phone. I have no issues with it on the PC


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk

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I also use ABP, Disconnect and other Firefox add-ons so maybe the redirect doesn't happen because of that?


perhaps? using IE11(I know, I know) and it's happening here.


I notice the pop up/redirect thing only happens on the phone. I have no issues with it on the PC


I only browse via PC using IE11... maybe i'll download the newest firefox without any other additions and see if it suffers the same.

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I only browse via PC using IE11... maybe i'll download the newest firefox without any other additions and see if it suffers the same.


Firefox or Chrome with Ad Block Plus. I'm pretty sure IE has ABP available for it as well. You could try that first if you like IE.


As far as the virus thing, I do get that pop up on here and some other forums when google searching. Not sure why.

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