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rocking a 3.1 foreword

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when you rock a 3.1 foreword to get access to the rear plugs or O2 sensor, do you really have to unbolt and put the coolant tank out of the way? my exhaust smells like ass when the engine is cold and i think the O2 sensor is bad and i want to change it. Or can i forgoe rocking the engine foreword and get to the O2 sensor from under the car?

thanks for any help


no you dont need to, thats only 88-90 with the coolant tank front and center above the fans


every now and then the car stalls at idle in gear, the rpms bounce up and down, almost to zero and then up to a grand, almost like the engine is trying to catch itself, this doesn't happen much and the engine starts right up. that could be a egr or a pcv or a idle speed sensor problem or an o2 sensor problem. i am just tired of my exhaust smelling like ass when i start the car up when it is cold i'd rather try to change the o2 sensor and see if that solves it instead of buying a new cat.....any input if changing the o2 or any other sensors will sove either of these two problems?

every now and then the car stalls at idle in gear, the rpms bounce up and down, almost to zero and then up to a grand, almost like the engine is trying to catch itself,


try an idle re-learn. My car car did that and the idle relearn fixed it right away. Star car, idle for 10 mins in OD with foot on brake, shut off car, wait about 30 seconds, restart car, idle in OD for 5 mins, DONE!

i am just tired of my exhaust smelling like ass when i start the car up when it is cold...


Is that the only issue? That's something you really can't change.

The catalytic convertor needs to warm up to fully convert all the combustion products from the exhaust.

You can install a new cat, but I don't think that will improve the situtation by much.


- Erik


yeah, thats kinda what i thought


thanks for all your help guys


to perform an idle relearn, do i have to pull any fuses or dissconnect the battery before?


I don't quite understand the bad smell that he's talking about.


my car doesn't even have a cat, and it smells fine. :?:


you really can't describe a smell with words......there's just a strange odor coming from the exhaust when the outside temp is cold.......maybe the car is running rich at cold temperatures


does the car kinda smell like half-way between a burning match and rotten eggs? If so... clogged cat!

does the car kinda smell like half-way between a burning match and rotten eggs? If so... clogged cat!


yup thats it

i guess i am in the shitter because i have no funds to install a new cat.... i just blew $126 on bosch rotors and cermaic brake pads last nite because i warped the year old rotors b/c of the great brakes on these cars


another quick question

am i going to feel a braking difference between ceramic pads (new) and semi metallic pads (old)?

i know i will find out saturday but just wondering before then

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