red89tgp Posted November 18, 2003 Report Posted November 18, 2003 ok this is very important...i just put a new turbo,crossover pipe,ecm,o2 sensor,fuel filter,plugs and wires and my car is blowin black smoke out of the's running too rich and i have no clue on what 2 do next any please help me i need to get this done soon. Quote
RareGMFan Posted November 19, 2003 Report Posted November 19, 2003 Did you check the oil return line? Quote
dkorinko Posted November 19, 2003 Report Posted November 19, 2003 Hey hey hey! I was having that problem not to long ago, it did it and then i turned the car off and it went away but, the car was still throwin the service engine soon light so i went to my buddies house and we hooked it up to a diagnostics system and it was telling us it was the MAP sensor, we changed it and the light and my problems were gone! I also sent u a PM! Quote
red89tgp Posted November 19, 2003 Author Report Posted November 19, 2003 hey thanks guys for that lil help i'll try it when i get home today...and dkorinko the turbo set up is just about as same as the t-25 that comes in it but i had to modify the intake just a lil and the the nos is just regular old nos that u can buy anywhere (universal hook up)that i bought from pep's a 50 shot bottle and i don't know how much more power i'll get but i figured it'll be about's hooked up right in to the intake and i'm lookin for another spot to put it so i can have 2 stage nos..very hard to do but i think i can do itwith all the mods (include the nos) i think i'm runnig about 460 -500 hp in my tgp and no i'm not bullshitin anyone.but i've never used the nos cause i don't know it the engine can handle that much power.if you want more info i can try to tell you but it's pretty much a custom job thats verry hard to explain Quote
red89tgp Posted November 19, 2003 Author Report Posted November 19, 2003 no i haven't checked the oil line but i just put a new turbo in and i didn't put in new oil return line so do you know who sells them? Quote
boostnawd Posted November 20, 2003 Report Posted November 20, 2003 is it blowing the black smoke when boosting or all the time? Â could be a vacuum leak if it only happens under boost. find the leak before you fry your rings.. i'd start with whatever you had removed in the last little while (ie vacuum lines, ic piping, etc) Quote
red89tgp Posted November 20, 2003 Author Report Posted November 20, 2003 it's blowin smoke all the time i checked the turbo ,the oil lines and now i'm at a loss so i have no clue Quote
GrandPrix34 Posted November 20, 2003 Report Posted November 20, 2003 460 -500 hp in my tgp and no i'm not bullshitin anyone. Â Sounds badass! You must be hitting like, wat 10-12's in the 1/4? Just as a stock Viper no? Very nice work, no doubt, but the hp #'s sound a bit optimistic. Quote
red89tgp Posted November 20, 2003 Author Report Posted November 20, 2003 you know i love it when other people on this forum are such assholes..not all of them but i know i can name a few that when people are askin for HELP that other people don't help them but they decide to be jack asses and say stupid shit!!!!!!!!!!! and yes it is nice work and yes grandprix34 you are the one i'm talkin about because u have no idea what i've done to my car ,you don't have the right to jugde anyone on this site..i don't care who u are but you are that are a reason why some people kill themselfs because u like to make fun of others and say things that u think is right but hey bud you have no idea...oh yeh and thanks again to the guys that do help me if u need help with anything just ask and i can try to help Quote
joey b Posted November 20, 2003 Report Posted November 20, 2003 waiting to see where this goes :cuss: Quote
Slade901 Posted November 21, 2003 Report Posted November 21, 2003 If it is not the turbo like what they suggested then it could be the seals on the valves are worn out and causing exhaust to pass through the bad seals on the valves and causing black smoke. Â This is a known problem for before and after 1987 Dodge Caravan engines. Even though they are not related engines to your car but combustion type engines has valves and will have a similar problem if there is a bad valve seals. Quote
NickGTP Posted November 21, 2003 Report Posted November 21, 2003 I'm afraid I have to call bs on this hp story and Nitrous deal. You said you have a 50 shot bottle that gives you 90 hp? That I dont understand. And shots dont come in bottles. Shots come in Jets. Â ~ NicK ~ Quote
NickGTP Posted November 21, 2003 Report Posted November 21, 2003 i bought from pep boys it's a 50 shot bottle and i don't know how much more power i'll get but i figured it'll be about 90hp i think i'm runnig about 460 -500 hp in my tgp i've never used the nos cause i don't know it the engine can handle that much power 2 stage nos  Listen JR. A shot of N20 comes from a bottle, the bottle feeds to a soloniod that opens and closes from a switch. When the solonoid is open, it goes into the intake to be mixed in the combustion chamber. This is a dry shot. Your MAF, or MAP reads the N20 and sends fuel to comensate. The N20 travels through a jet in the line that regulates how much goes in. You buy different jets for different shots. 37,43,46,57,62 Jets. 62 Jet is something like a 125 shot. Thats 125 hp to the flywheel, not 200 hp to the ground. You've got to get your facts straight before saying all kinds of stuff like this. Also, there isnt a 2 stage N20 kit. 1 bottle, 1 line, 1 solonoid, 1 jet. The N20 runs as long as the switch is activated.  ~ Nick ~ Quote
red89tgp Posted November 22, 2003 Author Report Posted November 22, 2003 like i said in a message before if you are not gunna help me at all keep your own words to your damn self cause you not helpin me any so yeah nickgtp shut the hell up thanks ...have a nice night :flip: Quote
NickGTP Posted November 22, 2003 Report Posted November 22, 2003 I'm just explaining facts. It's pretty dumb to come on a forum like this and post fake mods and ludacris numbers. How do you get 90 WHP from a 50 shot? A 50 shot that comes from a 50 shot bottle, when there is no such thing. You could be talking a 50lb bottle, but one of those wouldn't fit in your car even if there's a such thing as that. Your lack of knowledge and immature attitude lead me to belive that you are full of . Thanks and YOU have a nice night :flip: . Â ~ NicK ~ Quote
Intimidatorz34 Posted November 22, 2003 Report Posted November 22, 2003 just curious how the tranny will handle it, as well as the chassis in flex with the hp. Please post pics of the setup and time slips as soon as you can though. Quote
red89tgp Posted November 22, 2003 Author Report Posted November 22, 2003 yeh ok guys so now back to the real topic i have black smoke blowin out the back i know it's a fuel pronlem but where is the most c ommon places to check i've already checked the injectors and fuel pump and the ecm...anywhere else? Quote
RareGMFan Posted November 22, 2003 Report Posted November 22, 2003 If everything you mentioned above is new, that eliminates quite a few possibilities. How about the coils? Did you replace/check those? Quote
red89tgp Posted November 25, 2003 Author Report Posted November 25, 2003 yeh the coils are new and there is great spark and great fuel pressure but one thing i just found out is that the feul injectors are pluseing weird...i know i have to change those but does anyone think that ,thats the reason why i'ts blowin black smoke? Quote
RareGMFan Posted November 25, 2003 Report Posted November 25, 2003 It's a possibility if they're dumping too much fuel. Same way a puff of smoke arises from the exhaust when you start the car momentarily if the engine was flooded by fuel. Quote
red89tgp Posted November 26, 2003 Author Report Posted November 26, 2003 so if thats not the reason then why cause i ran out of ideas awhile ago? Quote
RedZMonte Posted November 28, 2003 Report Posted November 28, 2003 try some bg44k fuel injector cleaner, you could also have a sticking fuel injector. ses light ever come on? Quote
red89tgp Posted November 28, 2003 Author Report Posted November 28, 2003 no none of the lights come or that i know of.but thats a good idea thanks Quote
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