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I am curious to know if I have to get another pump, do I need to get a 1994 to match the year of the car I have? Is there a generic pump, universal pump I could get? And where would you recommend I buy one at. Thanks!


Im sure other GM convertibles of around that year used the same pump. You will have to compare what you find on the internet to what is on your car. Look for a shop in your area that does convertible tops and ask them. Have you tested yours yet?


My pump kinda works.. I can hear the pump work when it goes down. When I push it up, I hear nothing and it does nothing. I tried pushing the button down for 5 seconds. Then try it again several times. After the 5th time I hear the pump turn on and the top closes slowly but works. Does a pump have a fuse or a short?


Have you checked to see if it has enough ATF fluid? You may be running low. Also, please don't use brake fluid in that. The person that owned my car before me did and ruined one of the hydraulic lifts.


The pump may be off the shelf. Check vert Cavaliers and Camaro/Firebirds to see if they are the same.

Cutlass only.

I thought only the lifts were Cutlass specific.

My pump kinda works.. I can hear the pump work when it goes down. When I push it up, I hear nothing and it does nothing. I tried pushing the button down for 5 seconds. Then try it again several times. After the 5th time I hear the pump turn on and the top closes slowly but works. Does a pump have a fuse or a short?


If it was a fuse or short the pump would not work regardless. Its either the lifts or pump and you need to TEST them to find out which one or replace everything in hopes you fix the defect in in the process. Ebay has Vert top motors($230) and the lift cylinders($130).


Could you guys guide me to some how to guides for testing the system and how to replace either the pump and or calipers? I don't want to dive in blindly on this thing and screw it up. Btw the pump fluid is ATF. With top down it is at the top line. When it is up, the fluid is above the lower line by a ruff 1/8 of an in or so. It was not perfectly to the line like it was while being down. Again thanks for all the help.


I explained how to test the convertible pump from the 1994 Cutlass in one of the other convertible threads you made exactly as it is written from the dealership manual. That's why its good to keep one thread on a topic than make several. You are going to have to pull the pump to test it. Others have said it could be a defective lift cylinder, when your top is/was operating did one side move different than the other?


I understand. I will go browse for this topic... As far as the top coming up and down, I did check that and they are both equal for both sides. Also, I am now ordering a service manual 1994 on eBay. Prob come in about a few days or so.


One more question. As I mentioned with the pump fluid matching up with the line when it was down. Would it hurt anything if I were to fill it with fluid all the way to the top. Have rags around it. Then cycle up and down to see if that helps?


If you have to push the switch several times for the pump to do anything, it may be the switch.

  • 1 month later...

Some members may have spare parts in case you need them. For instance, I have a pump, switch for 1994, other parts. I haven't put them on the for sale site yet. If we can help just shout. Like he said, may be a switch. Mine was.

If you have to push the switch several times for the pump to do anything, it may be the switch.

You might be right too. I know when the pump is activated it slowly pushes the top up. But, everytime I go to put the top down; the switch works and the top works fast.


If it ends up being your pump, you can get it rebuilt instead of buying a new one, it's a little cheaper. I did that a few years ago and the motor has worked great for hundreds of cycles since then.

If it ends up being your pump, you can get it rebuilt instead of buying a new one, it's a little cheaper. I did that a few years ago and the motor has worked great for hundreds of cycles since then.


Could I ask who did you use our where did you get your s rebuilt at?

  • 1 year later...

so I'm curious as to why another pumpuldnt work...the hydraulic lines look like thay may bolt up, but I would think you'd need a different connector is all


so I'm curious as to why another pumpuldnt work...the hydraulic lines look like thay may bolt up, but I would think you'd need a different connector is all


Blast from the past! 


If you have to push the switch several times for the pump to do anything, it may be the switch.

Good point, first principle.


I would try hard wiring (by-passing) the switch connection. 12V directly to the pump.


So i answered my own question, i bought a pump from a 1994 mustang and put it in, i had to change the electrical connector, but the hydraulic lines fit perfect. Even the grommets holding it down lined up with the original...

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