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my brother was killed iin a car accident over 11 years ago....when he passed I inherited his 3.4l quad cam....it was blown up due to a timing belt failure=timiing iissue....we I got it I had a diifferent quad cam put in it and iiit's been in a shed up untill about 2 months ago....I haven't been able to drive for over 7 years and i am just about to pop the camshaft carriers and heads off it....I assumed I was putting the number 1 cylinder at TDC to pull the front cam carrier and head off....when i rotated the mark on the vibration dampener to what I assumed was TDC, it was actually the middle cylinder on the front cylinder bank that was at TDC....I have no books on this car or engine...II am not an idiot i am just being careful, I do not want to go to all the effort just to pull the pin on a grenade...II see a video was taken and with all the hype of it's "arrival" the guy fell off the planet....I am not really in need of a video...I may be on the wrong thread etc... I know it's been ten years since this thread was active but it has ironiically been over ten years since this engine was active per say....before I tore the it down i had a compression leak into my cooling system. When I took the lower intake manifold off I couldn't help but notice that the engine was torn down once before....they busted an ear off the intake and had it welded back on....I have no idea what else may have been done with the engine...I would like to think that the heads have remained on the engine since it was first assembled but again I am probably being rather optimistic....I see some rounding of the comshaft sprocket bolts and i figured it was a good place to stop and gain some input as far as how these engines are timed....I do not wish to advance or retared any of the cams...I just want to put this thing back to stock and put it back together hoping to enjoy the car for about 50,000 miles....again remaining very optimistic....thanks to any of those that can offer any insight....this car is a huge pain in the ass but I have over ten years of storage along with paying off his note at the bank, windshield, tires and every other nickel in between....i am too well vested into it just to pass it along to someone else or send it to the crusher...I am doing all the hoses and seals, distributor block-off o-ring and a new fuel pressure regulator....don't like one of the injectors either....yada yada yada.....thank you all for what info I have been able to find thus far!


middle cylinder, front bank = cylinder 4, which is at TDC at the same time as cylinder 1(rear bank, passenger side).


there is a rather good walkthrough on 60degreev6.com, including pictures.

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