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98. Gtp no mods 122k miles. Few weeks back my 1st gear sucked it shifted late but after first its gold. Now i think i have 2 probkems here.


1. Sometimes at a stop it stalls. I stop then when i let off brake it stalls. All the gears. Put in 1 and drives not stalling. I then shift up to d and all is fine. Sounds like tourqe converter prob? Also when car idles i have a nasty grinding sound. Can hear when it in 1-2 gear untill get at cruise speed. Those times wherr i have to start at 1 gear that noise is loud. Pretty sure these are related. I have a video of sound need to upload.


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2. When driving afteer few minutes it sounds and feels like its in neatural. So i put in 3 and gets most the power back around 3000 rpm. No idea what this is.


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Fluid smells good. Up to level. Few weeks ago when i had that 1 gear problem i thought tps. I have codes but can't get reader untill later in week.


Does this sound like tourqe conv circuit? I bet that's one of the codes. Sorry for bad typin. Doing thus on small keypad



Car runs n drives fine after restart then acts up


Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2








Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2


Those codes appear to be 2 for the TCC circuit and the last one for shift solenoids.


Where is tcc?


Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2


TCC=torque converter clutch. Chances are your TCC solenoid is failing, as is one of the shift solenoids.


To access these solenoids (TCC, 1-2 shift, 2-3 shift, pressure control solenoid), you must either drop the engine cradle or pull the engine/transmission out of the car to take the side cover off the tranny (this is where all those solenoids are located). Been there, done that.


Thaats what i assumed side cover... shit. Where do you live? Id pay.


Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2


Probably a long ways from you. North Carolina. I ended up pulling my motor and transmission to do it.


Thing i don't get is why is it that i restart it goes away kfor a bit


Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2


Electronics. Gotta love it. When my pressure control solenoid was messing up, sometimes it would shift smooth as butter, other times I got a lovely BANG into random gears.


Ty for the hekp i began postin in other areas here to find local guys to do this


Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2


No problem. Glad to be able to help. Good luck with your repairs.


I see zzp has the shift noid. Is tgat the one i need. I kno there's 1-2 noid and others. Does it matter


Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2


Also. Reading. Ain't there a fuse for tcc? Where i it


Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2


Might as well replace all the solenoids while you're in there. PCS, TCC, 1-2 shift, and 2-3 shift.


Not sure about the fuse though. Check your fuse boxes.


I see tcc fuse. Hey are the 2 shift noids the same? Lookin on our performance sites(zzp etc) only shows one.


Sent from my LG-L38C using Tapatalk 2


I think they are the same, but you may want to email ZZP and ask them for a definite answer.

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