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'92 Olds Cutlass S 3.1 Stumbling on Acceleration

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Good Morning,


I have recently posted about my '92 Olds and how I replaced the fuel pressure regulator to get it to start again. In diagnosing and fixing the starting problem I replaced the ECM and then fuel injectors and finally a new fuel pressure regulator fixed the starting problem. Since then, however, if I very gently give it gas it will accelerate. If I have to accelerate more quickly, however, I press the peddle down and the engine sputters but eventually takes off. It stumbles as it accelerates. I replaced the throttle position sensor yesterday thinking that was the problem. I am getting a check engine light but in trying to pull the codes all I get is 12 which is obviously indicating that the system thinks there is no problem. Other than TPS not sure where to look next. I thought for sure it was the TPS unless my new one is defective.


Best Regards,



Good Morning,


I have recently posted about my '92 Olds and how I replaced the fuel pressure regulator to get it to start again. In diagnosing and fixing the starting problem I replaced the ECM and then fuel injectors and finally a new fuel pressure regulator fixed the starting problem. Since then, however, if I very gently give it gas it will accelerate. If I have to accelerate more quickly, however, I press the peddle down and the engine sputters but eventually takes off. It stumbles as it accelerates. I replaced the throttle position sensor yesterday thinking that was the problem. I am getting a check engine light but in trying to pull the codes all I get is 12 which is obviously indicating that the system thinks there is no problem. Other than TPS not sure where to look next. I thought for sure it was the TPS unless my new one is defective.


Best Regards,




Solved this -- first thought it might be the EGR valve but after thinking about it for a while I figured I'd better check MAP sensor even though I replaced it a couple years ago. Turns out all my jostling about the engine pulled the vacuum line out of the MAP sensor -- reconnected and voila! Good as new.


You might want to disconnect the battery for a while and let the PCM forget the code. Did it set a code/ turn on the check engine lamp?

You might want to disconnect the battery for a while and let the PCM forget the code. Did it set a code/ turn on the check engine lamp?


Actually, I had pulled the fuse to clear the codes. Even with the vacuum hose to the MAP sensor disconnected the SES lit but no code was registered -- a fact I find odd.

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