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Unrecognized Trouble Code

Michael Savage

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My 1995 Monte Carlo threw a code that I haven't found an answer for.


Start Clnttintak1.0


Was wondering if anyone has ever heard of that. I've looked all over the web and all the books even for different cars with a similar ECM and found nothing.



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I know that's the thing. I used the scanner and went to code history.

73 EGR Solenoid 3


Start Clnttintak1.0


I called GM and they didn't know what that meant.

Also I double checked the spelling of that CLNTTiNTAK1.0.


If you've ever seen this weird ass code that I know shouldn't show up IDE love to know what it means.



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Could it just have been the scanner messed up? I've just never heard of anything like that.



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if it bothers you enough, i would contact them and give exact issue reproduction steps, i would imagine they're one of the better companies when it comes to releasing fixes when necessary.

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