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96 Lumina 3.1 Major Oil Leak!

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Greetings all!


My Lumina has a slight issue. About three weeks after an oil change, I started noticing oil spots on the ground where I park. Over next two weeks, the spots have grown bigger and bigger. On the inside, there is oil all over the starter. I've done some research and found a couple common issues: intake manifold gasket failure and oil sending unit failure. I grabbed a couple shots of the oil sending unit with my camera, and it seems like there is some fresh oil around it. What do you guys think? Is the sending unit the most likely culprit judging by the pictures? What other areas should I be looking in? Any advice is greatly appreciated.



This is sending unit and oil filter.


This shows below the sending unit.



Thanks a lot guys,



picture #1 is of the knock sensor.


the oil pressure sender will have a circularish connector with i think 3 wires in it, it's a fairly unique shape. wouldn't surprise me if it were leaking/spraying oil in that area.


Or the ever-popular oil-pump drive seal at the top of the engine, with the oil drooling down from there.




Well, turned out to be the sending unit, luckily. I was surprised at the amount of oil leaking out of that thing! I went through three and a half quarts through ten miles of driving! It started out rather modest, but one day the leak turned into a flow I guess.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk


My mistake on the first picture... The sending unit was just out of frame to the right ( left in the orientation of the picture). Thanks for the correction.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

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