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99 Monte 3800 PO341 code

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Want to ask an opinion before I swap the cam position sensor on my 99 Monte 3800 Series II. Recently I changed both valve cover gaskets. As you know, the ICM needs to be moved out of the way doing so. When I moved it, I moved the wires that go to the cam and crank position sensor.


I put the car back together and immediately had the PO341 code come on. I turned the code off with my scanner and drove the car 15 miles running fine with no light. Turned the car back on and the SES light is back on for the same code.


I checked the wiring to be sure nothing was disconnected and/or broken and all looks good. Any other thoughts before I replace the sensor? It's cheap and looks easy to do..just wondering if I overlooked something. Thanks


Sounds fishy, I'd do a VERY good visual first. And wiggle stuff

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