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Codes 22 and 41

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Good evening. I have a 91 Regal with a 3.8 V6. I have two codes: 22 (TPS Singal low), so i replaced the TPS and the connector since it was cracked and melted. The code still remains. Do I need to wait for it to do a drive cycle test like on OBD 2 cars ? I also have code 41, so I replaced my cam sensor since it was the factory one. The vehicle died 3 times today when I came to a stop. It's has a ton of new parts that would suggest that it's not capable of suddenly dying. It has new AC delco plugs, wires and coils. New TPS sensor with pigtail, new MAF sensor, cam sensor and fuel filter. I did notice that my connector for my ignition control module is looking pretty bad. This is the multi pin one (30 pins ?). Any suggestions ?


22 gets set by:


TPS voltage being at/below .2 volts for 4 seconds or more.


41 gets set by:


enigne running, no cam signal for 5 or more seconds.




since the cam signal comes from the ICM, your issue of a janky connector could certainly be contributing to that.


for 22, that could be caused by a few different things, do you happen to have a way to look at scanner data?


The cam sensor is relatively new. I'm thinking it's the pickup on the cam itself, I guess those are a come issue. I haven't had a chance to read live data yet, I used the old school trick of grounding the A and B prongs on the connector to get the codes. I'm thinking I should wire in a new ICM connector and fix the cam pickup. The old girl is going to hit 150,000 soon, so perhaps I'll do the timing chain a gears as well.


i don't know about 3800 timing component lifecycles, but i do remember hearing about a magnet on the cam pulley that likes to fall/fly off?


either way, the code 22 is likely what is causing your stalling, i would tackle that problem first if i were in your position.

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