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traction control

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Is the fuse under the hood on the passenger side labeled tic for the traction control? If not does the traction control have a fuse or a way to turn it off?



assuming you're referring to a 95 cutlass, traction control was never an option. if the TRAC light comes on in the cluster, it is the ABS module indicating that it is in operation.


Sorry! I am referring to a 95. Thanks for the info. I see the Trac light come on from time to time on wet roads. So that's the and unit? I just figured it had traction control. So what is the car doing when the trac light comes on? Or is the light just there to let you know its slippery out?


factory manual says it will light up whenever the ABS module detects a strange wheel speed and is indicating that the ABS module is actively doing someting, i had assumed it would only light it up when it was detecting the brake pedal as being pressed as well, but perhaps not as a programming safeguard for a faulty brake pedal switch or faulty wiring.


it would be interesting to see the datastream from the ABS module during one of these events to see exactly what it is doing, i get the feeling that either a speed sensor's signal is being erratic due to road conditions or that there is just enough temporary loss of traction at one wheel to where the ABS module thinks that lockup is about to occur.


The LOW TRAC light comes on when the ABS unit has engage while braking.

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