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Time for some new exhuast.

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Hey everyone,


I'll be buying some headers here shortly for the car, and replacing the rest of the exhaust while I'm at it. It's all rusted out and leaks horribly. After some reading, I think I know what to do, but i have some questions. I've read that a glasspack works great as a resonator, the longer the better. As far as the Ypipe and all that, does anyone know whereto buy that stuff at a descent price? ZZP is outrageous IMO. What about mufflers? Any opinions in that area?


Thanks everyone.


i like the summit street/strip mufflers i have, they are 3 chambered no packing for $30 a piece


Walker might have the y-pipe you want. I`ll be using Thrush glasspacks soon but I have some more modding, fabricating, and rerouting to do before all that. IIRC I picked the pair up at Autozone for $25 a piece. For a deal and an electric recip saw one cold get a y-pipe at a JY for less than a 20OZ soda at a gas station, plus lengths of exhaust pipe and bends, just have to clean them up real good.


I'm trying to find a 3 inch y pipe, and I haven't been able to find one from Walker at all. I wanna say theirs is somewhere around 2.25.


About the mufflers, that sounds like a great deal, I just want to avoid drone if at all possible. Do you know how these mufflers sound on a 3800?


Biggest Ive seen are 2.5in I believe, anything bigger might have to be custom. MagnaFlow? Flowmaster? Maybe a shop or company that specializes in older cars might have what you need. No idea as far as sound goes, IIRC many people here have stated a certain raspy tone to the 3800's. I know for a fact a cat-less, exhaust-less 3100 sounds more glorious than it ought to.


yea i have heard many complaints about how 3800s sound but i ran into a girl with a gtp with exhaust and we got stopped at a red light together and i almost couldn't tell our cars exhausts apart, sounded almost identical in tone and volume, to say the least i was amazed.


idle is never a problem for 3800s.... it's when under load when they turn into fartastic gravel monsters.


I've been running a cheap Thrush turbo muffler for 3 years, it's a little bit louder than the enormous stock one which appeared to have been made for a dump truck. They make the tone change and get a very mild rumble which sounds nice but isn't loud or obnoxious.

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