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Hey guys, I'm new here, but not new to mechanics. I've got an 00 Silhouette, I know, not a W body, but the power train is the same, and the transmission is busted. No 4th gear, harsh shifts when hot, P1811 in the history codes on it etc. I figure that I have two options on it. One, I can go in, change the pressure solenoid, change out the 4th gear clutch hub and pray for the best. My second option is to just change the transmission with a used one, which seems like the best option since it's such a cheap tranny. My question comes in as to what the difference is between the BRB and BCB codes? I found a chart on here that shows them to be identical. Same ratios, same converter, same everything. I tried googling this info, but I haven't found anything. Most GM transmissions that I have encountered only care about the gear ratios or the TCC solenoids, but that seems to be the same on both.


been there done that, this is a car that shares alot with the w body, i had an 02 montana i did a 3800 swap on, i used the trans and ecm for a GTP


Thanks for the replies guys. I am pretty much at the same conclusion, it appears to be a sick joke by GM. Every piece of information that I have found shows them to be identical and interchangeable.

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