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Was checking out their website cause with the way i change parts around i need to b able to tune myself. Was thinking it was a decent deal till i started reading the credit section and got lost. Would i b able to tune my car repeatedly without buying credits? Or would i only b able to tune it once? And what about tuninf friends cars? If i can inly tune my car once $400 plus shippinf sounds like a rip. Id rather juat drive 150+ miles to somwone with a dhp. Thanks :)


Once u buy the credit u have it forever. That is what I have experienced anyhow. I will have this software in a couple weeks. There is some people over at 60degreev6 that say that HP tuners will only tune a 97+ pcm


Sent from my MB886 using Tapatalk


hptuners only supports a limited number of 96 vehicles. if you want to tune many diff engines for these cars get a used DHP. with HPT the credit system basically makes you pay for each vin you are tuning. once you unlock that vin you can tune it as much as you want. I do not know if the system is smart enough to link a vin to specific OSID/bin file.... so if you were to change the vin using a DHP i dont know if hpt will read it or not.


I have HPT and yes, once you pay $100 in credits for a given PCM you can program it as many times as you want. It comes with a couple of credits to get you started, or at least it used to. What sucks is if you were to brick a PCM or have one die of natural causes you have to buy the credits again. They also don't go too far out of the way when things go wrong, like one time I accidentally missed the opportunity to upgrade to a model/year license and when I E-mailed them to ask if my bad decision could be undone I got an answer that was essentially a better luck next time kind of response. One cool thing about HPT is the diagnostics suite that comes with it that can show pretty much any variable you want with a virtual gauge.

I also have Tunercat OBD-II and it's a lot more reasonable with the credit system, you buy a file that lets you do a range of PCMs. It doesn't have a complete suite like HPT but it's very thorough, that's the tool I use on the Regal.


Tuner at sounds good to me :)

I have HPT and yes, once you pay $100 in credits for a given PCM you can program it as many times as you want. It comes with a couple of credits to get you started, or at least it used to. What sucks is if you were to brick a PCM or have one die of natural causes you have to buy the credits again. They also don't go too far out of the way when things go wrong, like one time I accidentally missed the opportunity to upgrade to a model/year license and when I E-mailed them to ask if my bad decision could be undone I got an answer that was essentially a better luck next time kind of response. One cool thing about HPT is the diagnostics suite that comes with it that can show pretty much any variable you want with a virtual gauge.

I also have Tunercat OBD-II and it's a lot more reasonable with the credit system, you buy a file that lets you do a range of PCMs. It doesn't have a complete suite like HPT but it's very thorough, that's the tool I use on the Regal.


I think I have a spare dhp if you are looking for one.


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


That would b AWSOME! :) B a couple weeks till i have $ but what would you want for it :)

I think I have a spare dhp if you are looking for one.


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Oh wait, a jet product? Guess im going back tl hunting a dhp :(


My Tunercat interface is nice, and I get updates easily enough and it's capable of changing tables I can't even comprehend.


Its just that I've seen to many crispy cars with jet products hooked to them. Mebne I'm just paranoid.

My Tunercat interface is nice, and I get updates easily enough and it's capable of changing tables I can't even comprehend.
Its just that I've seen to many crispy cars with jet products hooked to them. Mebne I'm just paranoid.


I just checked and there are 586 files in storage from PCMs I've programmed with that tool, and I had a HDD failure a few years ago and lost several hundred.

This is an old interface, perhaps the QC isn't as good any more. I'd highly recommend an early TC interface.

Last year I flattened an S10 PCM, but it was because the truck was nice enough to turn off the powertrain relay during programming. I only program the Regal through the DLC because I know it won't do that, but any other car I pull the PCM and bench program them.


Like i said. I'm prolly just paranoid. The 01 Monte granny donor had an intake explosion. Found the jet tuner when i bought the console.

I just checked and there are 586 files in storage from PCMs I've programmed with that tool, and I had a HDD failure a few years ago and lost several hundred.

This is an old interface, perhaps the QC isn't as good any more. I'd highly recommend an early TC interface.

Last year I flattened an S10 PCM, but it was because the truck was nice enough to turn off the powertrain relay during programming. I only program the Regal through the DLC because I know it won't do that, but any other car I pull the PCM and bench program them.


the deal with tunercat OBD2: long ago, you could purchase it and seperate definitions for pretty much everything..... then John(the owner of tunercat) licensed out portions of the progam to JET for their DST product, one of the stipulations of it was that the OBD2 tuner wouldn't be allowed to be sold by TC anymore.... current/previous owners can still buy definitions(and there are more coming out all the time), but now the only way you can legitamitely acquire TC OBD2 tuner is to buy the Moates Roadrunner.

the deal with tunercat OBD2: long ago, you could purchase it and seperate definitions for pretty much everything..... then John(the owner of tunercat) licensed out portions of the progam to JET for their DST product, one of the stipulations of it was that the OBD2 tuner wouldn't be allowed to be sold by TC anymore.... current/previous owners can still buy definitions(and there are more coming out all the time), but now the only way you can legitamitely acquire TC OBD2 tuner is to buy the Moates Roadrunner.


I knew it was something like that, my interface has been around for a while.

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