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Strange water leak...

Nas Escobar

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Ok, so as some of you may know, my Cutlass is gutted. It has no interior save for the dash and front seats. In one of the pictures in my build thread, I showed that there were puddles of water near and under the seats. No biggie, dry it up and change the seals. So with the seals changed, the car leaks substantially less (although it still leaks due to frame issues) but there's a strange phenomenon I've noticed. The water in the area where the rear right seat goes is puddling up not from the roof or windows, but from the drain hole. To the best of my knowledge, the car has never had the drain hole opened, and picking at it with a chisel and hammer (to drain the puddle) proved futile. The interesting part is that the water comes in slowly through the edge of the rubber surrounding the drain hole and then bubbles up to form the puddle. These past 2 days, it has been raining in my area and I found a pool in that section of the floorboard.


With that being said, how do I seal that section up so no more water comes up and why does it do this?


All help is appreciated.

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Water doesn't flow against gravity unless heat is added to changes its form. If it were me I would do one of two things or both.


First get inside and have someone spray different areas with a hose under pressure, check around every window, door, and underneath the dash.


Second find a way to make a lot of smoke inside the cabin and see where it leaks from on the outside.

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Water doesn't flow against gravity unless heat is added to changes its form. If it were me I would do one of two things or both.


First get inside and have someone spray different areas with a hose under pressure, check around every window, door, and underneath the dash.


Second find a way to make a lot of smoke inside the cabin and see where it leaks from on the outside.


This is how we fixed all water leaks at the dealer. Have someone spray water over the car from different angles and at different areas. Sit inside with a flashlight. The leak will become obvious at that point.

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I wonder if the water came in around the air intake for the blower motor. The angle the car was at must have been a factor.


Well isn't the blower motor in the front? The puddle is in the rear where the back "passenger side" seat would be located. The front is dry, it's always been dry except when it leaked from the roof, but that got on the seats, not the floor.


Looks like I gotta take it to the car wash or something... I don't own a hose.

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