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Just bought a 90 GPT McLaren, have one question

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Hi All,

Glad to finally own a very nice GPT, and love mine so far. It does one thing odd, I thought maybe someone has had this issue and knows how to fix it. When I start the car, no matter what the fuel level, the low fuel indicator light comes on. Even when I've filled it up. After about 20 minutes of driving, the light turns off. But the second I turn the car off and start it again, the low fuel level light comes back on. This is, by far, the most modern car i've had, so I'm not sure if this is just a float in the gas tank (if they even use those) or if it is a bad sensor or something.


Oh one other question (ok so I had two). The rear struts seem to be very, very weak. Any recommended replacements?


Thanks in advance for any help.



Edited by carsofchaos

Did you buy the fire car? The clusters have a problem in these cars. Do a google search for it, you will find instructions for fixing it. There is a chip on the back of the cluster that usually just needs to be re-soldered. It's not too hard. If you're not comfortable with that, there are people on this forum as well as the TGP Forum that will fix it for you.


PICS!!! :biggrin:


no way! That fire one was too big of a mess. I bought one that I wouldn't have to spend thousands of $$ and hours on LOL. Frankly the light is not that big of a deal at all to me, other than it makes the "check gauges" light come on, and I am not sure NJDMV will let it pass inspection with that light on.


Me liky :)




Beautiful! What's the mileage?


Is that the one that was on craigslist for $4500? It looks great. I'm jealous. LOL. The check gauges light is related to the same chip as the low fuel. It's fairly simple to fix.


typical TGP cluster syndrome.


expect the tach and speedo to be out of calibration soon too, assuming they aren't already.


Beauty! I have some similar cluster problems, fuel light and head/running lights give me hassle, is there a an old thread on how to repair the issue?


yes sir. guy was very cool. he also has another one but it's not for sale.


I did see one thread with a link, but the link was no longer good, unfortunately.


those seem to be okay. i had my Garmin with me on the trip back to gauge the mph, all seemed good there it was within a couple mph of what the Garmin showed.


Anyone have a rear strut preference? This is the main thing I need to do asap. I have looked at a couple suppliers who told me the struts are the same as a regular GP, but then I read in other posts about the GPT that the rear struts were different than stock GP struts.


KYB GR2/Excell G or Monroe Sensatracks. I have Sensatracks in mine, I've done both before. Most people will say KYB But I don't have a preference. Both are good products.


Cool man thanks I've used KYB on my Fiero Formula and liked them enough but I think I'll try the Monroe this time:thumbsup:


There are 2 levels of KYB, one is painted silver and one is painted white.


The white ones are OEM like, while the silver ones are sport-tuned, ie. stiffer.


The monroes are set-up like the OEM.


It all depends on what you prefer. I would think you would go firmer being that your ride is a sporty type vehicle.


The Moroes are cheaper though. Cost can be a determining factor of course.


I know man I'm lucky I lost about 25lbs recently. Once you dial in the lumbar, you're really squeezed in!:lol:


I think I'll go with the sport-tuned, though I need to do a bit of price shopping, the Monroe's were pretty inexpensive. :think:

I think I'll go with the sport-tuned, though I need to do a bit of price shopping, the Monroe's were pretty inexpensive. :think:


If you have Advance Auto stores where you live, price some out and then use the best coupon you can find. This may result in a cheaper price than from another vendor. Price dependent, Advance might ship them free to you as well.



Congrats on the new TGP. Here's the info the others mentioned about gauge cluster soldering: http://w-body.com/oldsite/service/checkgauges.html


Looks like its in good shape!


you actually looked at the dash fire one in person?


Thanks man! Yes I looked at the dash fire one in person, if you want any info on it just PM me. :thumbsup:


Yep I'm a regular at AA (Advance Auto, not the other AA). Thanks for that link I had seen a few other links regarding this job but they were giving 404 errors but this one works!:thumbsup:


When my fuel level did not read right I found my issue to be in the fuel float assembly inside the fuel tank. Being an electronic technician made it a very simple troubleshoot and repair. I had voltage to the tank but nothing coming out. IIRC the cluster issue had nothing to do with that particular circuit they were ran seperatly. I still have the bible for my car. Ill find the schematic and post it to verify.

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