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Intermittent Trans Prob.

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Today.. on my way to work, the transmission wouldn't shift above 1st. gear. At the next light, it would shift just fine.. next light, I'd be running 5-6000 RPM and it wouldn't shift. At one point, I lost everything and had to coast into a parking lot. I threw it into park, then drive, and it worked fine. No problems on my way home after work.


And no, I didn't have it in 1st. gear. It was in drive the whole time.


Whats wrong with 'er?

this is the 94, Im guessing? When did you change your tranny fluid last?


Yeah .. sorry :oops: '94 GP.. 3100

Trans fluid is full and clean. Fluid and filter were changed around 50,000 miles. Car now has 82,000.


Hmm.....its not making any noises like grinding or anything? It could be a shift solenoid..........


No noises that I could hear.. but I did have the radio cranked hardcore. Once it would shift, it shifted pretty damn hard. I just took it out and pounded around on the road, and it worked perfect... so maybe it was just a freak thing.


Without a doubt it sounds like a problem with the Vacuum Modulator. Whether it's the Modulator itself or it's vacuum hose/supply.


The 2 most common symptoms of Modulator problems are exactly what you indicate:


1) Transmission is very reluctant to shift out of 1st gear

2) Upshifts are extremely harsh, especially the 1-2 upshift


That's my only guess!:)


Thats what I immediatly thought.. but then I thought they got rid of the vacuum controlled trannys by '94?


Nope...look under your hood, you will still have a Modulator...it still controls Main Line Pressure, the ECM just controls the shift solenoids...

Where would this modulator be located on a '92 Lumina Euro and what does it look like?


It will be located on the front of the tranny, basically under the airbox, about 4-6 inches away from the end of the block. Its a big grey can looking thing (more than likely it will be covered in grease, but if clean it, its grey), with one vacuum line running to it

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