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My 3.1 top end rebuild is finished!!!!!!

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the plan was to use all stock parts but....


I opted for the highe performance lifters elemenated the weak quike release vales from the cooling system............but the biggest thing was I had my heads whur warped so I had them shaved,polished, and they had to put in slightly larger exhaust valves.....



when I took it for its first drive in 5 months it shocked me how much power it had compared to before the rebuild.....


but the best thing is my car now has basicly new every thing that breaks because it got new alternater, water pump, and fuel pump before the rebuild


i plan on gettin some slips soon


I'm gonna be 18 this month so I no longer need a parental concent form to go to the drag strip(My mom wont signe one)



my only problem with the engine sofar is I gottaopen the throtle half way to crank it when the engine is cold but it cranks righte up I think its cause of the raised compresion ratio from heads being shaved cause they saide they had to shave alot off because of the warpage



guese thins ruins the idea of puttin a trubo on it


what is the exact size of the exhaust valves they put in? should say on an invoice/bill from the shop that did the work for you

how much did it cost you in the end?



well theire whur a few hidden cost like the gasket set I could only get from the dealership and some one swiped the bolts to my plenum and it cost $80 to get new ones..


but in the end it was : $180 for machine work, $40 for the wolverine lifters, and like $70 in gaskets....pluss, spark pluggs, oil, engine flush , brake cleaner to clen my intakes, etc.


by the way if any one is interested i can post the intructions to reove the peuter quike release valve in that in your intake and replace it with a much stronger stainless setup thats availible at any auto parts store(you dont have to worry bout it breaking and spraying your coolent every whur leaving you stranded

what is the exact size of the exhaust valves they put in? should say on an invoice/bill from the shop that did the work for you



I didnt get the invoice I'll see if my dad still has it tho cause I dont even know where the machine shop is to tell you the truth their my dads friends


well fixed the problime with getting it crank and keeping it idled engine



I had readjust my idle postion screw no my car idles at 2000 rpm seems like alot but that the only way to keep the damn thing Idled....



by the way I'ma be selling it soon ........92 grand prix SE coupe with rebuilt engine (only 30 miles on it) ...




every wroks including AC just need new rear bumper cover and some body work,.....

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