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This might be a dumb question, but we just got a 95 Cutlass Convertible and I can't figure out how to unlock the top to put it down. If I hit the down button you can hear it try to move but I have looked all around and I don't see anyway to release the hooks that lock the top. I've looked through the forums but I couldn't find anything about it, I guess it should be something obvious to see but I can't seem to find it. Thanks


Not a dumb question, this is more common than not to be at a loss with the latch. The latches are on the side where the window is near the edge of the windshield... where the door and windshield meet. If that's not descriptive enough I can get a pic for ya.

Not a dumb question, this is more common than not to be at a loss with the latch. The latches are on the side where the window is near the edge of the windshield... where the door and windshield meet. If that's not descriptive enough I can get a pic for ya.


Thanks Nas,

The funny thing is that after I posted the question I was back out in the car and my wife was in it looking for the release too and she found the secret. The part I was looking at under the Velcro section of the headliner, I was trying to pull down, she pulled inward and it unlocked. So now we know how to release the top. All we need is some warmer weather to enjoy it.


I just noticed your from DC we're just up the road in Glen Burnie.


That's good. The latch's design is really slick... blends in with the frame really well.


Nice!! I'm very familiar with Glen Burnie. I go through it to get to Crazy Ray's at Hawkins Point. Very nice place.


Good morning. Don't know if you have figured it out. But to unlock the top when you are sitting in the drivers seat look up and to your left. Hidden behind the headliner is the lever to release the top. it is the same way on the passenger side. Hope this helps you out! And enjoy your CSC! :)

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