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1993 cutlass 3.4 idle problem

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Changed all 3 ignition coils, Runs great but the idle is wild. 2-3K Service manual says download quick learn from Tech 1 tool. Any other ideas? Idle returns to normal after a while 10-20mins. Thanks


bad intake manifold gaskets or a big vacuum leak


Unplug your idle air control valve, and see if it changes. The IAC died on my Lumina Euro 3.4, and resulted in it bouncing off the 4k RPM fuel cutoff. I eventually got mine home, swapped the IAC off of an old 3100 intake, and that fixed the problem.

bad intake manifold gaskets or a big vacuum leak


EXACTLY! Had same issue - idles like crap but ran fine. Turned out to be lower intake manifold gasket leak along with bad vacuum manifold lines. Idles and runs like a new car now!



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