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crazy exhaust idea

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i was in autozone today just looking around n i came across this exhaust pipe shaped in a "Y" n i started thinking what if i replace the cat with this pipe bend 2 pipes 90 degress so they shoot out the side of the car and bend it another 90 degress so it runs str8 along side of the car past the rear wheels and have it stop fluch to the rear bumber


unforunately, I think the pipes will require more bending than that in order to clear the suspention.


i had a real baddass idea a while back but its not legal in north carolina. i wanted to split the piping early after the cat to and then run it back at angles or parallel with the body and then have two side exhausts with black Z28 tips right before the rear tire, cause it would be flush and parallel with the body. after the rear tire the rear bumper cover curves up and that would look gay and you could probably see too much. but the exhaust guy said it could be done but no because the exhaust would be exiting before the passenger compartment is completed and that is not legal. i say what about roush mustangs and stuff he says, thats factory they can do what they want, well phuck i was pissed cause i know that would look baddass on my cutty


hmm...my dad has that on his truck. It has two pipes...really close...come out on the side, right behind the cabin. I like the idea too...but in most places...you cant have the exuast end before the cabin. The only other idea woudl be to do it right after the rear wheels...but thats gonna look dumb




you might wanna think about fuel line location w/ those type setups :wink: ..I don't think it would be much of a problem unless you have a leaky line or something but most recommend keeping the lines as far away from the exhaust as you can get them

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