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Urgent replies, hot girl needs help :)

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Don't know what kind of luck I have today but its freakin awesome. Pulled into autozone next to some random Pontiac G6 with the hood up and I was checking out the 3.5 in it which I assumed was the dreaded "shortstar" didn't see any DOHC anywhere though. While I had my back turned to the door the owner came up behind me and was easily one of the most beautiful girls I`ve seen in a long time. Got to talking and found out that she was there under the impression that oil treatment would stop a leak she said she had. The leak she told me is at the top of the oil filter but on the inside. At first I thought she was talking about the oil filter gasket itself but after talking with her for a few minutes she said it was on the inside of the oil filter. My first and only thought was some kind of O-ring that goes around the central shaft inside the engine. I have her number and confirmed she is recently single and had a useless boyfriend that apparently couldn't wipe his own ass.


Does someone with better knowledge of the 3.5 know what she is talking about? I would love to be able to fix this car for her. Yeah, that's my story and im sticking to it:D


Well, it's going to be a 3500, not the shortstar, but a standard OHV 3500. Basically, an evolved 3100.


As for an internal leak, I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe the gasket from the old oil filter got stuck to the block?

Posted (edited)
Well, it's going to be a 3500, not the shortstar, but a standard OHV 3500. Basically, an evolved 3100.


As for an internal leak, I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe the gasket from the old oil filter got stuck to the block?

Thanks for the response, from what I could tell it didn't appear to be DOHC, and being similar to a 3100 I should know what Im looking at once that plastic engine cover comes off. But from what I describe it does sound like its possible for an oil filter to have a leak around there?


Now that I think about it how would one actually know if there is an internal leak?:think: It has to be an old gasket stuck to the block. Any other possibilities?

Edited by rich_e777

The 3500 that is in that car is just a bigger 3100 basically, all difference aside. The filter is the same thing that goes on your 3100. Unless someone double gaskets the filter or just didn't put one on, or left it loose would be the only reasons why that would leak.



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the oil pressure sender is right above the filter iirc


lunkheads taking off filters recklessly have broken/cracked them dozens if not hundreds of times in my career.


...unless the 3500 used a different OP sensor location....


depending on the exact year, it could be either the gen 3.5 3500(non-VVT) or the gen 4 3500(VVT). you'll know by the intake and the absence/presence of the cam phaser on the timing cover.


Thanks guys, will see how it goes. From what I saw it looked familiar to my 3100, mind went kind of blank when it came to cars for a bit. Cannot wait to see how I make a fool out of myself, I know its coming just don't know how.:lol:


awesome pics, those are really cool. Are the oil filters in the same place on both engines? Cannot really tell on the VVT


should be more or less the same location. perhaps a slightly different filter base?


It was some black RTV that was slathered all over the place and up inside where it shouldn`t have been. Removed it and put a new filter on and changed the oil, just fine.

I have her number


He does so that means the real question is. Does you get to call back again?



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you better at least share pics of her on here........


I bet she thought I wouldn`t charge her for my time. $20 for basically an oil and filter change and quick inspection of the car. She is one of those manipulative types but really intelligent but I think I did right by charging her. At first I told her she`d have to cook for me as its just me and my brother and sometime his GF, she replied that she didn't know how and gave me the $20, I told her thats ok that I could cook and that she should come by sometime next week and I wasn't turned down. In my experience the ladies seem to like it more when you do the cooking instead of just taking them out all the time. I think she might have a crazy or mean streak in her though, gut feeling.


Always follow the gut feeling dude. Most of the time, it's right... plus when it comes to females, it's hard to find someone that's clean, sane, and trustworthy.... unless a long term isn't your idea then screw it lol


Get in, get off, get out :D


Just make sure you wear a hat.


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:lol: I thought about doing the whole oil change striptease routine but didn`t thing she`d be down for the grease munkey theme, One of those clean freak types.

Cleaner they are on the outside, the dirtier the mind ;)

:lol: I thought about doing the whole oil change striptease routine but didn`t thing she`d be down for the grease munkey theme, One of those clean freak types.
  • 2 weeks later...
Cleaner they are on the outside, the dirtier the mind ;)


Have you been talking to my wife?


Figured it out in high school when a bunch of cheerleader preppy types hooked up with me , i was the metal head bad boy hot rodder type. Lol. Those girls were freaks hehehe :)

Have you been talking to my wife?

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