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After i changed my intake manifold gaskets and put everything back together i forgot to clamp the heater hose down. So all the coolant sprayed out and my car overheated. SO, i clamped the hose and added some prestone coolant. I know i need dex but the gas station didnt have any and i needed something in there. I put half the jug in plus a bottle of water and the car still got extremely hot. So today i changed the thermostat and filled the radiator with water/prestone and started it and let it run. It got really hot again but i shut it off before it could get too hot. After about an hr i took it out and did a quick 0-60. Again it got real hot but didnt touch the red line on the temp gauge, then the car dropped below 200 and cooled off. During this whole time plus a day or two before i changed the gaskets the heater will not blow hot air. So i am assuming heater core but if that was bad wouldnt i be leaking coolant? I am also considering water pump. Whats your guys take on this?


hot as in almost to 280 i dont know what each dash represents in degrees. Never hit the 280 mark but on the way to school it came damn close. Otherwise it comes a within a couple dashes. Not sure how to bleed the system but i think i will just watch the temp gauge and if it doesnt get to the first red dash too much ill wait a couple weeks and then take the car in to get a coolant flush and get it filled with dex cool. Dad wont let me do taht cuz he doesnt want the city coming after us for dumping to coolant down the sewer.


Jesus christ you can't drive it without bleeding the system properly. Read the fuckin owners manual. Even if its not in the red area if its past the 3/4 line then its too hot. Don't drive it that way man it's not a good idea.


Yeah, bleed the system and hope to God you didnt warp a head driving it at 280*. You wont hardly spill any coolant bleeding the system, b/c you are bleeding AIR from the system.


Yea i know what can happen from getting the engine too hot no need to get pissed off. Ive never bleed a cooling system how do i do this? Oh yea, and the resevor, is that ever supposed to be used? Cuz its been full at the exact spot since the day i bought the car. Wether the engine is cold or hot, i though that if the coolant gets low or whatever the system is supposed to suck the fluid out of that into the engine. And then when it gets too much in there it just flows back. Atleast thats what it did on my old vehicles.


Well i go out to bleed the system. The bleeder screw thing on the heater pipe decides to snap while im taking it off. My car has been sitting for half hour and i take the whole bolt out. Well turns out there was still pressure in the system and shoots coolant all over and the bolt falls out of my hand. Where it went only god knows. I foudna bolt that will have to do for now until i can get to the dealership tomorrow. That is if i can. Today, for the second time, my car wont start after it has ran. It just cranks. It took about 6 times this afternoon until finally it started. Tonite, after i ran it with the new bolt in to test it out and shut the engine off again, it will not start. I have to move it out of the drive way so my dad can get in the garage. FUCK I HATE THIS POS :verymad: I have tried atleast 10 or more times to start the bastard. It has spark because it fires everyonce in a while when i crank the bitch. I dont know wtf is wrong it has not been a good day all day for me.


I have heard of a problem where the coolant will leak onto the crank sensor shorting it out causting it not to fireup.

Its a definate place to start.


Is it possible that when you were working on your car that some coolant got spilled or sprayed on the sensors? At least I think that's what Sonyman was saying anyways.

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