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3.8L 1992 Buick Regal Camshaft magnet

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I'm getting a "bad camshaft position sensor" code. I pulled out the sensor, and can see that the magnet on the cam sprocket is loose. It is tempting to JB Weld it, if I can find a dentist to pack the JB in around that 90 degree angle using a mirror. Is fixing this going to mean pulling the cover and replacing the sprocket...or can I just replace the magnet? Can it be replaced without pulling the timing chain cover? If I hadn't already put new brakes all around, I'd be less inclined to get this involved. :shrug:


You don't necessarily need to worry about that magnet...the L27 can run just fine with that DTC. I had a 1991 Olds Ninety-Eight with that exact same code, and I put multiple thousands of miles on it.


All it does is revert to MPFI, or batch-firing of the injectors, rather than SFI or firing each injector separately. You might lose a couple MPG, but I didn't even notice that much. The most annoying thing about it is the SES Light.


If you're really hell bent on replacing it, then yes, the timing cover has to come off. I wouldn't risk JB weld in there because if it came loose, it's harder than the magnet, and might damage the timing chain. My magnet was missing completely when I looked. Someone (here, probably) said the timing chain probably munched it right up without me even knowing.


Gotcha. I didn't test the sensor itself before I took it out, because I assumed I could bench test, and I was curious about this magnet...saw it referenced a fair number of times as a problem. If the magnet is loose...would that give the bad sensor code, even though the sensor is ok? I'm wondering if I should try to get it out through the sensor hole, or let it fall out and get munched?


If you can fish it out pretty easily, I would. If not, I wouldn't really worry about it. I honestly don't know if the magnet simply being loose could cause the code. You might try replacing the sensor with one from the yard, but even that is a 50/50 chance of doing anything.


There are lots of writeups I found about how to replace the magnet, but if you don't live in an inspection county (where I assume an SES Light will fail you) then I really wouldn't go through the trouble.

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