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284 No 5th and Reverse

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Had to make another hour-long drive after getting home from the meet, and in the middle of it, I think my shift select cable decided to take a dump. All other gears work but there seems to be a ton of horizontal play and I have to really slam it to to the left to get it into first and second. Third and fourth are fine.


Anyone had this happen and it didn't involve replacing the cable?


sounds like select cable slipped off the transmission or one or both main shift cable bushings broke, check all that


Pull the center console and check, my bet is a bushing on the cable went. Cheap and easy to replace though

Mine did literally the exact same thing. I ended up replacing the cable all together but that was because the kid before me shoved a much smaller one out of a z24 cavalier into it


Thing is, it looks attached and tight down where the cable mounts and under the black piece where the actuator actually mounts under the shift assembly. When I push to the right, it reaches the end of its travel without actuating anything.


Cable could be stretched. It would physically look fine, but it wouldn't actually do anything. Atleast not for 1-2 and 5-R. If you can get a picture of both ends of the cable, I have a select cable sitting at my house not being used. I'd let it go for a fair price.



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I can toss it into 1-2 with some effort. Enough that it's drivable. It's like the cable is slipping somewhere. I'll do some investigation. This cable mounts to the top of the trans, does it not??


Yes. It mounts on the top. Held in by a 10mm bolt that hold a bracket for both the shift and select cables. The select cable is first, then the shift cable.



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Posted (edited)

Just an update -- definitely the cable. I had the wifey sit and pull the shifter down while I actuated the cable from under the hood, and it reversed just fine. I'll search to find where the cable is routed.. I have this feeling I'm going to have to perform surgery on the 3.4L to get to where the cable comes through the firewall...

Edited by GP1138

You can to the cable from the firewall from under the car. Just jack the car up, slide under and you'll see where they go through the fire wall. More than enough room with the 5spd in that area.


Best way to remove it, (IMHO) is to disconnect the cable at the trans, then let the cable hang from the firewall. Go inside the car, disconnect the cable from the shifter, then on the inside floor peel back the carpet take out the grommet ring that holds the grommets in place. Once the cable is free and can be moved, pull it from under the car. It won't be easy getting it past the grommet at the fire wall though.



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Found the actual issue -- the rubber sleeve where the two cables mount atop the transmission seperated. The cable has two seperate mechanisms -- the pull works fine. The push is what's the issue. The sleeve simply pulls away from the mount, which provides no leverage for the cable to brace against... if that makes any sense. I might be able to repair the cable.

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