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well.... what now :)


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I seem to have run out of questions to post about at the moment :) this has been a VERY helpful forum, unlike that other grand prix based forum that i found on the net ;) in other words.. thanks a F-LOAD for the help :)

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Workin on it currently collecting parts just got my 98 z34 harness today :) was my sixth attemp(the other 5 got butchered before i could grab them)

That's what we are here for! Is your car swapped already, or in the process of?
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Well, I've been on here a little over 4 years...this is the ONLY forum I even bother with, for the exact reason Runt and others have said. Over the past 4 years, this forum has gotten me through a TCC/overdrive failure, my first LQ1 timing belt failure, a crank sensor failure, and tons of smaller issues...you just can't beat a group that's not only enthusiastic about their cars, but enthusiastic about helping others keep theirs going! If I can ever manage to get a bit ahead financially, I'd really like to donate a few $$ to keep this forum going...there's information and people here you just can't find anywhere else.

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Hey 94 olds vert just wondering how to customize my profile? Nice pic you have for yours. I am a noob here still learning.


First off thank you. Go to your Setting top right of the page. Then look down the left side and find "edit signature" from there you need a picture that fits the size requirements. 150x600.

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