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there aren't that many items hard to work on that are 3.4 specific...

  emb1230 said:
Timing belt, rear spark plugs, alternator


Ok. Don't get it then? :thinking:


Timing belt is a pain, but no harder than any other engine with one. Rear spark plugs? pansy... I can do all 3 in about 10 minutes. Alternator? Stupid design, somewhat annoying, but doable.


That's some low miles for a 3.4. None of mine have had any problems until around 180k

And as mentioned they really aren't bad to work on. Alternator takes some getting use to


I'd be more worried about the top needing repairs than the engine

  emb1230 said:
Timing belt, rear spark plugs, alternator



From someone that owns a 3.4 Conv... the timing belt is easier to do than the alternator. If you can do it on a shitty lil honda, you can do it on any car. The trick is to mark the pulleys in their position and make sure nothing moves, but if you've done timing belts before, then you should know the idea is to make sure you keep the time on the engine. 95 is still non interference so if you "mess up", you don't necessarily ruin the engine. To be honest, the trick to the LQ1 belt is to take off the coolant reservoir then take off the serpentine belt and then the belt cover. Takes about 30/45 minutes tops. Then you go on to change the tensioner and the belt itself. The serpentine belt can be a irritating but no worse than any other car. As far as the alt, take out the transaxle and then the worst part is the bolts that hold the alt in and truthfully the first time is always the hardest. The rear spark plugs require the removal of the stabilizer bar and then you can do it blind-sighted. You can't really look down, but it's not rocket science. It's the spark plug wires that are more complicated (distributor is by the frame) but looking under the car helps a lot. The oil filter can be irritating to do with the removal tool since there's not too much space. The real issue with the rear spark plugs and the LQ1 engine is lack of explanation. Many people tell you that you need to rock the engine forward or do all these crazy manuvers. For the rear spark plugs, all it really takes is the socket, a 6" extension and then maybe a 3". Swivel is optional. I didn't do this myself because I was hesitant, but seeing someone else do it, it's not hard. The hardest part is not messing up the wire boots. Then most of the stuff on here is typical GM stuff. The starter is still in an annoying place like all 3x00 engines, but if you get one from a 3800 it will work and it's smaller so you don't have to fight it back in. You might have to take off the oil filter to get it, but that's another story.


Truthfully, go for it. These cars are rare to find, and you instantly fall in love with them. Yeah, the car is annoying to work on, but what V6 FWD car isn't? I can tell you this much... it's better to work on than a 96 Stratus with the 2.5. That engine was more annoying than the LQ1 and don't hesitate to ask me how I know... because I used to own one. I would jump on it if I had the money (and didn't have my black 94)


You also have this forum... we'll be glad to help you figure stuff out.


timing belt: once every 60K miles, so maybe 3 times in the life of the engine will bring it up to 240K miles.


rear plugs: with platinums/iridiums, once every 100K miles, so changing once can get you to 200K.


alternator: your experience may vary.


Rear plugs takes me no more than 10 minutes tops. It's super easy to do. The alternator is a bit more of a pain to do, but it's not that bad.


Looks like a pretty clean 95.


I've daily driven mine for four years, now sitting at just under 235,000 miles on it. They're not THAT bad to work on, reasonably reliable, and puts a big grin on my face on a regular basis...what's not to love? Like most of the posters here, I'd say the LQ1's "reputation" for being hard to work on is rather overstated. I guess the question, when encountering that statement that they're "hard to work on" would be "compared to what"?


i like it when i can just grab the oil filter on an engine and spin it off. i mean, you do more oil changes than anything to an engine....


both the 3.1 and 3100 are that way, i assume the 3.4 is when the coilpacks are out of the way?


Pretty much have to get to the filter on my 3.4 from underneath...but there's nothing in the way--if you're a skinny guy, it would be possible to grab and spin it off without even lifting the car...but I'm no longer considered a skinny guy. :biggrin:

  RobertISaar said:
i like it when i can just grab the oil filter on an engine and spin it off. i mean, you do more oil changes than anything to an engine....


both the 3.1 and 3100 are that way, i assume the 3.4 is when the coilpacks are out of the way?


with the monte, i just move it to where the front wheels are sitting on the top of a small mound in the yard. i can slip my drainpan underneath the car without needing to lift it. then i open the hood, spin the filter off from above and then deal with the drain bolt.


anytime i can avoid jacking it up, i do. i've had some near-misses in the past, i don't risk my luck unless necessary.


My old Galaxie was the easiest I ever had...the filter stuck out of the driver's side of the block, just open the hood, and twist. My pan would fit under the car no problem, and the drain plug sat up enough I could undo the plug without ever raising the car. I'm like you with jacks. Even with jack stands as a backup, I still am wary.

  RobertISaar said:
with the monte, i just move it to where the front wheels are sitting on the top of a small mound in the yard. i can slip my drainpan underneath the car without needing to lift it. then i open the hood, spin the filter off from above and then deal with the drain bolt.


anytime i can avoid jacking it up, i do. i've had some near-misses in the past, i don't risk my luck unless necessary.

  Galaxie500XL said:
My old Galaxie was the easiest I ever had...the filter stuck out of the driver's side of the block, just open the hood, and twist.


Ford engines <3

Love my mustang for this reason. Started draining the oil and had the filter changed before it was even done draining :lol:


I never really noticed that the LQ1 was that has to work on. Takes a bit to get use to working on but it's not bad


well... I went back and forth on it, but I decided to pass. Yeah it would have been a blast to drive, but it really wasn't practical. I love my lil truck and it's manual transmission, that was what I'd miss the most. Besides, I already have a DOHC GM car... my G6. Yeah it's only a 4-cyl, but that bitch can move. #itsgottabethevvt

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