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4T65 E Driveability Issues

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My dads 98 Z34 started acting weird the other night so I thought I'd post the issue and see what you all think. First off car has 177k trans has 130k on it and put in about 10k ago.


The other day on traffic it started slipping in overdrive. If you drive it in third it seemed to not have issues. Tonight on a test drive it was running fine; passing gear good shifting normal.


15 minutes into the drive the speedometer dropped from 50-0 stayed there for a tenth of a mile or so then jumped back to around 40 (I was slowing down at this point). When this happened the car started bucking and shifting real hard in all gears. Giving it half or more throttle would make it shift even harder.


Was able to get the car home.. Fluid is clean full and not burnt or mis colored. The trans does seen to have a whining now that it's warmed up.


Thoughts? Trans bad or possibly some solenoid.. Maybe the VSS? Let me know what you all think.. Thanks


Tough to say. How do I check to see if they are bad do I need a scanner?


Depends on location. Although I'm not sure if I feel like fixing it...he was considering selling before this happened anyways.


Central MN. I'm guessing the shipping will be right around $100, since that's how much I was charged for a spare 284 from Tennessee recently.


Thanks. I will do some more diagnosis and see what it is and go from there. If I do need one I will contact you for specs / price etc

  • 2 weeks later...

Bump, I have done some testing etc and I am going to replace the VSS first. It appears to be easy to do judging on the replacement part. My question, where is it on the transmission? I think it's closer to the right side. What's the best way to replace, from underneath or take the wheel off and go in from the wheel well? Just curious if anyone has done this before and has any tips or tricks before I waste a bunch of time on something that was easy in the first place. Thanks.


passenger side. pull the wheel and it's within relatively easy reach and visbility.

  • 1 month later...

Another bump. Clearly this hasn't been at the top of my list. The car is finally at my house now so I am going to fix it. When I went to the store for the part they asked input or output VSS. I'm not sure which one that is on the transmission. Saar, do you know?


Judging by the reading I've done, it seems that it's the input VSS that is malfunctioning. My buddy has availability to a scanner on Friday, but I'd like to take the sensor I believe is bad with me since he has access to a lift. When I am looking online, I can't get a clear version of what the difference between the input and output sensors and their duties. Do you understand the workings of them? I'd like to learn in the process here too. Thanks.


there is only one VSS. the other speed sensor in the transmission is the ISS(input speed sensor). measures the input shaft speed, which is used for slip calculations.


VSS is the actual vehicle speed sensor, measures the driven side of the final drive.


Last update, installed a new VSS last night and have driven the car almost 40 miles with no issues. Looks like that's what did it. Thanks Saar, it was as easy as you described it to install.

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